
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 21, 2010 5:31 AM. The previous post in this blog was Rolling over a big one. The next post in this blog is "Morning Joe" gave money against Earl the Pearl and Wu. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Chilly 'dogs

The players in our charity pro football underdog game have spoken for another week, and they're all going for seven points or better:

11.5 SEATTLE at New Orleans - Ricardo, Anthony, Drewbob
10 CAROLINA vs. Baltimore - Bob, Annie
10 DENVER at San Diego - AKevin, Hank, Sattelihu, Gary, Paul, Eric
7.5 ARIZONA at Kansas City - PJB, Larry Legend
7.5 OAKLAND at Pittsburgh - Bad Brad, Flowers by Dorcas, Flowers by Dorcas Husband, Jim, Broadway Joe, Umpire, john dull, Doug
7 DETROIT at Dallas - Michael K., Nick
7 WASHINGTON at Tennessee - Matt
7 HOUSTON at New York Jets - Biggest Cubs Loser, Gordon, Andy

A handful of players missed the deadline this week, despite reminders. We hope they'll be with us again next week.

Good luck, players, and enjoy the games.

Comments (4)

OK, my two favorite people this week are Bob and Annie. The Panthers are facing a Raven's defense that can be one of the most intimidating in the NFL. They are starting Brian St Pierre as QB, a stay-at-home dad, brought back to the NFL just this last week.

St. Pierre was not in training camp this past year, has thrown but 5 NFL passes since 2004, and does not know the Panther's offense.

If the the Panthers win, (I'm hoping they win too) and you two come out ahead at the end of the season, I will throw a extra few dollars toward your charity picks. All in the true spirit of Underdog.

Since I've missed the deadline, I may as well make my picks right here, right now at 6:09 AM well before kick off. Washington looks like a good long shot for me, and poor genop's gal who is the underdog of the underdog contest thinks the Raiders will be top dogs against those Steelers. Now I can go back to sleep. Good luck all.

Tempted to watch the Carolina/Baltimore game. Gibby forgot to mention that Carolina's top two running backs are down with injury as well. They may not get a first down today.

Can Houston's defense hold the Jets for 2:18? At least this contest will not be settled in OT.

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