
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 1, 2010 11:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was Oh, those rec league parents. The next post in this blog is Consultants gone wild. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Posting under a pseudonym?

How can you live with yourself?

Comments (11)

Not putting your name to your comments is just silly....

How can you live with yourself? Quite well, actually, and also not get fired by a mean-spirited, idiot mayor with dubious accomplishments!

Arf, arf.

Oh, that's just silly. Some post under pseudonyms to avoid workplace backwash; others (like me) post for that reason, and because the name links back to a long-active site.

It's really a stretch to refer to us as agents of terror.

I don't know if this is more offensive to bloggers or terrorists.

Wow. The terrorists are government hacks who would use their authority to squash criticism. Free speech is terrifying to bullies.

Pseudonym's such an awfully big word....and hard to spell.

It's never bothered me. The merit of an idea isn't all that connected to the name signed underneath it.

But seriously, folks. Who'd ever want to use a pen name?

signed, Sam Clemens, and 10 million co-signers


Here's a terrorism blogger I LOVE. I could imagine myself a terrorist long enough to do what's necessary to make that cretin of a politician read every word printed in the website below.


(Sniff, sniff) But, on the other hand, . . . how could I live without myself?

As they say in Wisconsin, just another FISH on the line -- Fracking Illinois S--thead.

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