
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 4, 2010 8:44 PM. The previous post in this blog was How to make a fortune. The next post in this blog is Could Portland's debt and pension woes result in Oregon bond default?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Portland police in serious budget fiasco

We're talking major screwups. But hey, we have Mayor Creepy in charge, so everything's going to be all right. And with streetcars, bioswales, and a new soccer stadium, tell me -- who needs cops?

Comments (10)

...the bureau is expecting a large wave of retirements by July 2011.

Ah oh.


Does this have anything to do with the budget advisory panel that Adams sacked en masse a couple of weeks ago?

Funny how the popo were on the local news last night saying they would step up police presence in downtown at night on the weekends. So where will that manpower come from?

So it turns out that Rosie was right and Scam Adams was wrong. Is Adams just stupid, a liar, or both?


Randy's armed water guards.

Reduced training to save money? I thought we were going to increase training to improve treatment of the mentally ill and provide alternatives to deadly force?

McCreepy will hold a press conference to announce he's putting the Crown Vics on sabattical and replacing them with Bike Cops. You read it here first.

I see the bad budget planning
I see trouble on the way
I see weasels and pols scamming
I see bad times today

Don't go around tonight
Well, it's bound to take your life
There's no cops downtown


apologies to John Fogerty

Adams should be run out of town for this! Well, this and a few other things...but who's counting.

Frank -

Is Adams stupid, a liar, or both?


But Sammy said those sworn officer positions would be saved!
Also, shame on you Maxine for not even mentioning the recent $1M purchase of those cool new cruisers.
Adams, you are a pathetic, lying, disgraceful con man. You couldn't even run a lemonade stand.

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