Our lips are sealed

We finished our good friend Phil Stanford's excellent new book The Peyton-Allan Files the other night. And we were about to sit down and compose a proper review of it, but that idea just didn't pan out. We're finding it difficult to discuss this documentary in a meaningful way without giving away the ending. Granted, it's a true-life story, and the outcome has been a public record for decades, but it's not something that we ever heard about in our 32-plus years living in the same town as the murders in question.
And so we advise readers to head out and read the book soon, before somebody spoils it for them. It's a great yarn, well told -- we will leave it at that for now.
Comments (5)
Sheesh. For little girls living in Portland at the time, it scared the holy cr@p out of us. Kinda made the city seem not safe, you know?
Posted by Patricia | October 31, 2010 2:59 PM
I found it and Phil's first book at Powell's. Neither Borders nor Amazon carries it yet. Looking forward to reading it--thanks for the tip!
Posted by Bev | October 31, 2010 7:18 PM
Can't wait to read it. Portland Confidential was excellent. Highly recommended.
Posted by Snards | November 1, 2010 9:40 AM
Powells on Burnside was SOLD OUT when I went there to grab a copy last night (Sunday). Not to worry, I still had enough time to hightail it over to the Powell's Hawthorne store to get a copy.
(While there I also snagged a 30-percent-off copy of Keith Richards' new autobio which I will read after Phil's book.)
Posted by none | November 1, 2010 2:24 PM
They have it for sale at Annie Bloom's, in Multnomah Village.
Posted by Rankin Johnson | November 1, 2010 3:01 PM