Oregon League of Devastation Voters
We got our third glossy mailer of the week yesterday from the Oregon League of Conservation Voters -- just like the other two, gushing over mean old Bob Stacey:

It's amazing to us that a "conservation" group is so wasteful with the junk mail. How many trees did they kill, how much water was used to make the paper, how much fossil fuel was burned to get this to our house, and how much more in natural resources will be wasted to recycle three mailers?
This candidate must not care much about the environment. All the more reason to vote for Tom Hughes.
Comments (24)
OLCV + NARAL, conservation through culling.
Posted by Garage Wine | October 23, 2010 3:55 PM
Bob Stacey likes the sound of his own voice. I've met and seen him speak on several occasions, and interact with other people. The recent stories of his tantrums and aggressive, asinine behavior are only the tip of the iceberg. In short, he's in it for his ego--and that's the very last reason I want a public servant to be in office.
Posted by ecohuman | October 23, 2010 4:17 PM
I've already voted (it cuts the election porn).
Stacey didn't make the cut.
Posted by Max | October 23, 2010 4:40 PM
Stacey will win this election.
Posted by PJB | October 23, 2010 5:40 PM
There's not enough publicity of the fact that no one likes to work with Stacey. The exact opposite of what Metro needs. It works with like 35 different jurisdictions.
Posted by Snards | October 23, 2010 6:17 PM
Tom Hughes is backed by the same corporate lobbyists that support Republican gov candidate Chris Dudley. Pro-sprawl groups like the Home Builders Association know Hughes represents their agenda of paving over cheap farmland to build strip malls and cul du sacs. This kind of short-sighted development is directly responsible for destroying livable communities, and forces families who can barely afford housing to then spent thousands of dollars more per year on automobiles. This agenda is clearly not consistent with the values of our region.
Bob Stacey, conversely, is supported by the most intelligent urban planners and environmental groups in Oregon because he is not a say-anything politician like Hughes, Stacey has devoted his life to ensuring the Portland Metro area remains a model of sustainable growth and livable communities for generations to come.
This should be no contest for anybody who cares about their children's and their childrens' children's future through out the region. If you honestly think more of the same zero-planning sprawl is a good thing for Oregon, or any state, then vote for Hughes.
But if you understand that long term economic stability comes from careful, thoughtful land use and transit policy, they you already know Bob Stacey is the clear choice for METRO President.
Read more: Results: Tom Hughes or Bob Stacey for Metro president? | Portland Business Journal
Posted by George Hayduke | October 23, 2010 10:17 PM
Who wants to take credit for the Metro approved, sprawling, farmland-destroying, "transit-oriented" development called Orenco?
Hughes was a Hillsboro City Councilor at the time. Stacey was an Executive Director for Policy and Planning at TriMet at the time.
In fact, Stacey's own website reads:
During Stacey’s tenure, the agency undertook or completed three new light rail lines serving the Metro area,
So Bob Stacey is admitting that he helped build the Westside MAX line, which directly spurred the destruction of hundreds of acres of prime farmland between Hillsboro and Tanasbourne and replaced it with ultra-dense housing, which then resulted in the widening of various roads (Cornell Road, Cornelius Road, Evergreen Road Parkway, and the ultimate widening of U.S. 26 west of Sylvan which is continuing today.
Posted by Erik H. | October 23, 2010 11:30 PM
So do the voters want to know about Stacey? Or do they prefer the media cover up his past like Goldschmidt?
The media has this story and won't report it.
A packet of evidence has been circulated. But no news story.
The evidence packet has test hole reports and data, photos, correspondence with the city, developer and neighbors covering every aspect of the scandal. .
The city of Portland owned a parcel of land in SW. It was planned to be a park.
But after years of the city dumping all sorts of spoils on the site oil was found in every test hole.
Bob Stacey was the head of the planning department.
Under Stacey's coordination (his own hand written notes in packet), the city got rid of the property and the problems.
It had a stream that had been put in a culvert by the city and had been environmental overlays with conservation setbacks.
According to city regs it should have been cleaned up, the culvert removed, the open stream recovered, environmental zones preserved and a city park created.
Instead Stacey organized a swap, plus a bundle of cash, for property a developer owned at Rocky Butte and for the developer to take the city site.
But the deal had to include getting rid of the environmental zoning so the site could be developed.
Stacey and the city cooked up the "mapping error" idea and removed the E zoning.
Immediately after the deal was struck, the site, all overgrown then, was immediately scraped of all vegetation, capped with 10 feet of fill and graded without any permit.
All documented in the packet. Including complaints from neighbors.
There's 100 units on the site now with the stream still underground and no environmental or conservation zone.
So if Stacey does that as the head of Portland's planning department what will he do as head of Metro?
Posted by Ben | October 24, 2010 12:27 AM
I threw up a little in my mouth after reading George Hayduke's comment. I'm not pro-sprawl, but it's disgusting how sustainability and environmentalism are invoked to manipulate young voters into putting more money in the hands of the rich in this town. Portland isn't the center of green policy, it's the center of manipulating green policy for money and power.
Posted by Hey Geoducke | October 24, 2010 1:08 AM
long term economic stability comes from careful, thoughtful land use and transit policy
It sure hasn't around here. At least not under the goofballs in Metro any time recently. And Stacey is just more of the same.
Posted by Jack Bog | October 24, 2010 2:39 AM
Hayduke writes:
But if you understand that long term economic stability comes from careful, thoughtful land use and transit policy, they you already know Bob Stacey is the clear choice for METRO President.
I can only assume you mean that we've never had "careful thoughtful land use and transit policy" before in this area--because I'm not seeing the "long term economic stability" you regurgitated about there. In fact, I'm seeing the opposite. I'm unclear how Stacey gets to take both credit and avoid blame at the same time.
Also, it's an odd causality to try and relate "thoughtful transit policy" with "long term economic stability", but given Stacey's previous job, I can understand why he (and you, regurgitating talking points) would try and make that connection.
Tom Hughes is backed by the same corporate lobbyists that support Republican gov candidate Chris Dudley.
The rest of your talking points seem mostly dealt with here:
Stacey has devoted his life to ensuring the Portland Metro area remains a model of sustainable growth and livable communities for generations to come.
Can I then blame the current economy, high unemployment, rise in public assistance rolls, exploding demand for Oregon Food Bank services, middle class bankruptcies and foreclosures, and other happy news on Stacey's "devotion"?
C'mon. Both of these candidates are the same shade of gray--nobody's wearing a white hat. Stacey and Hughes have both supported the same Metro land development plan, for example. Stacey's just as interested in getting land added inside the urban growth boundary as Hughes; the only discernible difference between the two on development is the language they use to justify it, and the timeline for doing it.
I had to hold my nose and vote for one of the candidates, and I voted for Hughes.
Posted by ecohuman | October 24, 2010 11:00 AM
Hey Geoducke: . . I'm not pro-sprawl, but it's disgusting how sustainability and environmentalism are invoked to manipulate young voters into putting more money in the hands of the rich in this town. . .
It does seem they are taught very well. A close alliance with the city and PSU I have noted. I do hope that we have independent thinkers who can see the hypocrisy.
Erik H.:Who wants to take credit for the Metro approved, sprawling, farmland-destroying, "transit-oriented" development called Orenco? . .
Another example again of where words that our UGB will save farmland does not match reality. People need to take blinders off and see that the "inside" group of decision makers around here are hypocrites.
Ben: . . But the deal had to include getting rid of the environmental zoning so the site could be developed.
Stacey and the city cooked up the "mapping error" idea and removed the E zoning. . .
Thank you for that information. Did this happen under Katz as Mayor? We need to remember Adams was her Chief of Staff.
Did you know that an existing park, Johnswood Park in N. Portland under Mayor Katz, Commissioner Charlie Hales was sold for housing?
Never heard a peep out of environmental groups to stop it.
George Hayduke: . . Bob Stacey, conversely, is supported by the most intelligent urban planners and environmental groups in Oregon . .
As I recall, Sierra Club endorsed Charlie Hales too.
Again, hypocrisy of the many environmental groups here. Seems just words, not action. As far as I know, only Audubon spoke up for West Hayden Island.
In my view, people have been so propagandized, that the hypocrisy here is almost unbelievable.
We once had a lovely, livable City of Roses.
That was changed to the City that Works.
City of Hypocrisy is more accurate.
Posted by clinamen | October 24, 2010 11:29 AM
Geoducke, "Manipulating green policy" is certainly being practiced around here. Especially by those who have had over two decades in positions to do so like Bob Stacey as he first served as a 1000 Friends attorney, Portland's Planning Director, then as Director of 1000 Friends. His hypocrisy reigns.
Ben mentions a prime example, and he is correct in stating that there has been a cover-up by the media, the Oregonian particularly.
Stacey was Portland's Planning Director when a 10 acre city owned property near Johns Landing was "traded" for a few acres on the cliff-sides of Rocky Butte that was essentially unbuildable. The "trade" involved giving Northstar Development over $325,000 plus over $250,000 in "gifting" tax benefits. Northstar paid $75,000 for their property.
But the CoP property identified by the Parks Bureau for a future park for "park deficient" Corbett/Terwilliger/Lair Hill had a problem, it had "conservation" and "protection" environmental zoning making much of it unbuildable. It was placed in environmental zones based on a year-round stream that runs through the middle of it that drains many ravines cascading down from Council Crest to the Willamette River to a protected Green Pocket River Park in front of the Avalon Hotel and River Restaurant in Johns Landing; plus the trees/vegetation, just like other lands adjacent to it that was placed in environmental zones. Stacey steps up to the plate and in a handwritten memo:
"He [Brooks, CoP]recommends removing EP & scaling EC 'way back. Bachrach [developer's attorney] wants us to do that, as a mapping error. I agreed to do it that way, and to try to do it soon."
Prior to that, Fred Venske of CoP wrote Diana Holuka, CoP's Property Manager regarding the property's toxic problems:
"Sure would love to see that the city gets rid of the land including any of its problems. Don't want another River street or 2nd and oak Problem. Fred"
The "River street" reference was in regards to the toxic ground city site where the old steam plant was, and where River Place now exists. "2nd and oak" site also had ground toxic problems.
In a memo from Holuka to Venzke she writes on Environmental indemnification:
"...we would be well advised to not do that {indemnification] in light of the N. River Street billings. Also as we discussed yesterday, it is our joint feeling that we should sell Slavin Road 'as is'. Has David made a commitment to Northstar?" Fred Veneza makes a note on the margins to this question: "NO! I ain't no dummy"
So Stacey and the City sets up a process to hid another toxic site problem for the city's Johns Landing property. This property had been used by Bureau of Transportation for decades as a dump site for construction material including asphalt.
The city recognizing a pollution problem and thwarting a potential legal problem in selling/trading a potential toxic site hired Dames & Moore to do a "Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation". They dug five test holes and found "asphalt, concrete rubble, pipes, plastic, wood, metal, wire, and hydrocarbons [oil]". Oil sheens were noted on all the test holes dug.
Smartly, Northstar (the developers) requests from CoP "environmental indemnification".
With all this background: the Parks Bureau objecting giving up CoP land that was to be park; the strong neighborhood objections and without proper zoning notifications; the secrecy of the dealings; the so-called "mapping error"; the cover-up, ignoring toxic pollution; there's even more-the appraisal fiasco.
The Oregonian reported "Northstar Development Co. plans to build a subdivision of about 15 to 20 homes." It ended up being about 90 condo units. In a memo from Holuka to Venzke (CoP officials), questions were expressed about "values" and "appraisal" in Northstar's acquired appraisal:
"Further, the value of the re-sale as noted on page 19 of the appraisal relies on the asking prices on the 9 lots, not on consummated or recorded sale prices. Asking prices are speculative, closed or recorded prices are not."
Holuka goes on to question the validity of the appraisal:
"The firm performing the appraisal, National Appraisal Company, Inc is unfamiliar to me. They are a Vancouver, Washington company and I have no informations as to their expertise in Portland as opposed to Vancouver. Further, they have heavy experience in personal property appraisal (heavy machinery, restaurant and lounge equipment and fixtures, motor vehicles, medical/dental furnishings and equipment), but it is unclear how much experience and expertise either individual appraiser may have in land appraisal, especially residential land."
This is another fine example of Portland's inability to get fair market value on it's assets-trade 10 acres that provided 90 housing units for a few acres on the cliffs of Rocky Butte, and then top it off with over $550,000 dollars of additional dollars to the developer.
But then maybe that is what it costs the taxpayers to help Stacey and Co. achieve their "sustainability" and "green policy". And we lost a future Park and never cleaned up a toxic site. Welcome to Stacey's hypocrisy.
Posted by Lee | October 24, 2010 12:45 PM
Please note that the the handwritten memo quoted above by Stacey was signed:
Robert E. Stacey, Jr. Planning Director with his initials of "RES"
Posted by Lee | October 24, 2010 12:57 PM
George Hayduke Pro-sprawl groups like the Home Builders Association know Hughes represents their agenda of paving over cheap farmland to build strip malls and cul du sacs.
JK: You start off with completely wrong assumptions:
1. Homebuilder’s agenda is to build what people want. Unfortunately this conflicts with what the ivory tower planner zealots like Stacey want for other people.
2. Why do you have a problem with people living on cheap land? Would you rather they be forced to rent in some inner city ghetto with lousy schools and high crime? That is what you are advocating with your appeal to protect land used mostly for growing potted plants and pre made lawns. Apparently you are so un-informed as to not know that farm acreage is being reduced by abandonment, not paving over.
3. People prefer cul du sacs because they offer low crime and privacy. Too bad the planner class doesn’t care about these things.
4. Planners also hate strip malls, but their vast success says they are filling some need. Unfortunately things like peoples wants and needs never get in the way of planners knowing how other people should live.
George Hayduke This kind of short-sighted development is directly responsible for destroying livable communities,
JK: Are you saying crime ridden, lousy schooled, high density is more livable than a cul de sac in a low crime area with good schools. This just shows how out of touch planners really are.
George Hayduke and forces families who can barely afford housing to then spent thousands of dollars more per year on automobiles.
JK: Yeah, but at least they can afford the housing, as opposed to your plan which has already doubled the cost of housing in Portland and forced people to rent instead of own. If your plans had been in effect since WWII, our home ownership rate would probably be in the 40% area - with only the rich being able to afford homes. I that really what YOUR want - only the rich can afford a home? Because the is what you are advocating. (But you are probably too economially illiterate to realize this.)
BTW, those who live in sprawl DON’T drive much more than city residents, so you are mis-informed again. (I’ll bet you are a planner.) I’ll even bet you think most Europeans take transit everywhere and most don’t drive. (The reality is that EU15 residents use private cars for 78% of their motorized mileage.)
George Hayduke This agenda is clearly not consistent with the values of our region.
JK: Sadly, true. YOUR (not our) agenda is to make driving difficult, make housing un- affordable, and increase crime. Your agenda is clearly flawed.
George Hayduke Bob Stacey, conversely, is supported by the most intelligent urban planners and environmental groups
JK: I didn’t know theat there were any “intelligent urban planners”. (And few intelligent environmental groups.)
George Hayduke Stacey has devoted his life to ensuring the Portland Metro area remains a model of sustainable growth and livable communities for generations to come.
JK: Stacey doesn’t even know what sustainable is. And neither do you.
Explain to us how 40 year long range planning, if had existed at the time, would have been able to plan for the first freeway to open in 1939 when the first affordable car didn’t come along until 1909? Even a 30 year plan would have missed that. But you would have us lock in land uses for the next 40 years.
George Hayduke This should be no contest for anybody who cares about their children's and their childrens' children's future through out the region.
JK: Yep get rid of Metro and most of the planners, as a poor second choice vote for Hughs
George Hayduke If you honestly think more of the same zero-planning sprawl is a good thing for Oregon, or any state, then vote for Hughes.
JK: Areas with little intrusive planning (ala Metro) had very small housing bubbles and are in generally better shape than areas that fell for the planner’s snake oil. AND people can actually afford to buy a home in those horrible unplanned areas. I’ll even bet you don’t know that the Portland area’s fasted growing county is Clark county. And that is where the fastest job growth is too. Why? Because planners, like you , have driven people and jobs out of Oregon.
George Hayduke But if you understand that long term economic stability comes from careful, thoughtful land use and transit policy,
JK: STACY’s planning CAUSED the housing bubble and almost brought down the world economy. Too bad he is too out of touch with reality to see this. Even that liberal bastian the New York Times has recognized this. And Stacy’s planning has caused our job growth to flounder as neighboring Clark county is the fastest growing for both jobs and population.
George Hayduke they you already know Bob Stacey is the clear choice for METRO President.
JK: Only if you want the further destruction of our standard of living. What we really need to do is dissolve Metro.
For proof of everything I said above, see http://www.portlandfacts.com
Posted by jim karlock | October 24, 2010 3:44 PM
[i]It does seem they are taught very well. A close alliance with the city and PSU I have noted. I do hope that we have independent thinkers who can see the hypocrisy. [/i]
Oh there are a few... you might be able to count them on one hand. Luckily I'm in civil eng., I had no interest in the MURP program. But I also grew up here, so I've seen how the Portland area has changed to a certain extent.
Posted by Ryan | October 24, 2010 11:12 PM
Lee: . . .This is another fine example of Portland's inability to get fair market value on it's assets-trade 10 acres that provided 90 housing units for a few acres on the cliffs of Rocky Butte, and then top it off with over $550,000 dollars of additional dollars to the developer. . . .
Thank you very much for this report. This is the kind of information that every citizen in Portland needs to read. This has to be one of many such trades and money deals. I wonder if a list were to be made of the last 20 years, how much money the public has lost in these kind of deals?
I don't know about you, but I get tired of just getting a shrug and response, well it has always been this way. . . like corruption is normal. I don't consider myself naive, but maybe I am in thinking these kind of deals need to stop. I am weary, as it seems so pervasive. We cannot afford it and it is time that public interest becomes a priority.
Posted by clinamen | October 25, 2010 12:46 AM
The City That Works the Deal.
Posted by Starbuck | October 25, 2010 10:00 AM
Banish all urban planners.
Posted by Nolo | October 25, 2010 10:35 AM
New city motto "City Hall of Jerks" (from City that works (which was wholesale stolen from Chicago))
Posted by LucsAdvo | October 25, 2010 1:24 PM
How interesting is the list of endorsements for Stacey on this flyer. Naral, Pro-Choice Oregon, Portland Assn. of Teachers, Oregon Council of Retired Citizens.
I didn't know that abortion issues were land-use issues. Or a committee of ten would determine the stance on land-use issues for thousands of other teachers. Or a committee of eight would represent thousands of retired citizens.
If anyone ever passes further restrictions on campaign donations, then endorsement prostitution should be included.
Posted by lw | October 25, 2010 2:40 PM
Bob Stacey, conversely, is supported by the most intelligent urban planners...
Say no more, nudge, nudge, wink, wink...
Posted by cc | October 25, 2010 2:53 PM
Bob Stacey, conversely, is supported by the most intelligent urban planners...
JK: I was approached by Stacey at a candidate forum tonight. I accused him of policies that have made housing unaffordable.
He actually denied that Metro policies have any effect on home price and that there is nothing Metro is doing that would make it difficult to building more homes. (He admitted to only having taken one economics class and some sort of seminar.)
In his talk he also said that we have lots of unused vacant industrial land.
I think he lied to me and to the group.
Posted by jimkarlock | October 26, 2010 11:11 PM
"Bob Stacey, conversely, is supported by the most intelligent urban planners"
As recognized bt all the other intelligent planners. C'mon these huys are always herding and never think outside the pod. It was probabaly a case of the mutual admiration society strokin' each other/
Posted by Steev | October 30, 2010 12:16 PM