
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 11, 2010 10:47 AM. The previous post in this blog was More tax troubles for Dudley. The next post in this blog is Good deficits and bad deficits. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

In legal news...

Comments (9)

Poor kerning, actually: They're just invoking Godwin's Law for every traffic-related argument on Vermont highways, you see.

Will they still be so supportive of the First Amendment when someone wants GOD SUX?


Good. Who cares? I never understood why states treat license plates as some type of super special form of speech. Let people say whatever they want, and if someone doesn't like it, then they can look away.

"and if someone doesn't like it, then they can look away."

And take away my right to not be offended? I will never give up that right. Which Amendment is that anyway? 4th? 6th? 11th? I always forget where that one is. Maybe in the 20s'?

I found it more interesting that it took 22 months after argument to write the opinion.

Dog gamn it.

I'm not exactly sure what this post is about(but I have a good idea) but is it somewhat along the same lines as when a few years ago the Oregon DMV redacted a license plate from a kid (who had had it for several months or more) that said GOT MILF ?????

John Irving managed to get the equivalent of FU## on his NH license plate. He used the Old English version of the word. His NH plate used to sit in his office when he taught at my college. There are ways around everything if you are creative.

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