Disgusted yet? It gets worse.
The last-minute election porn is flowing hard and hot into our mailbox. Here are a couple of the latest gems.
I see they finally spotted a white guy over at the library, and put him in their pitch for a new taxing district. He's too stupid to function on his own, of course:

And this one's just flat-out evil from Tri-Met. "Give us more millions to hand to Homer Williams -- it's for the cripples." As my sainted grandmother used to say, someone will burn in hell for that one:

Comments (10)
Of course, driving is one of the easiest tasks for the elderly and many handicapped drive cars (that's why they have those handicapped parking spaces.)
Any prediction of a flood of new transit users because of our aging population is pure BS (a few more sure, but no flood)
Here is what a Brookings institute report said:
Myth One: As people age, they first lose the ability to drive; they then use public
transit if it is available; when unable to use public transit they walk, and finally,
unable to walk they use special transit services.
see: http://www.portlandfacts.com/elderly%20travel.html
Posted by jimkarlock | October 30, 2010 4:33 PM
I'm quite thankful that TriMet knows better than to send me crap supporting their measure.
On the other hand, Bob Stacey and the Oregon League of Conservation Voters have sent me by far the most garbage in my mailbox, and each time I have put THEIR flier in the garbage can, while everyone else has had their fliers go in my recycling bin. It's a bit ironic that of the two guys running for Metro, the one running on the environmental angle is the one who is running the least green campaign...why doesn't he advocate making junk mail illegal, and scaling the size of the post office down - the USPS has the largest motor vehicle pool in the world, is one of the nation's largest employers, likely has the most structures in the nation (if not the world)...Metro refined the art of mission creep after all and seems to have no problem with attempting to exert its influence outside of its defined jurisdiction.
Posted by Erik H. | October 30, 2010 5:01 PM
Isn't that a picture of Homer slumped over his Segway?
Posted by Allan L. | October 30, 2010 5:46 PM
Has anyone actually waited until today to vote? We got our ballots about two weeks ago, and I voted mine that day.
I mean, come on. Do these mooks sending fliers really think that someone who hasn't been able to make up their minds by now is going to be persuaded by a friggin junkmail postcard?
Posted by tekel | October 30, 2010 9:57 PM
tekel Has anyone actually waited until today to vote? ... I mean, come on. Do these mooks sending fliers really think that someone who hasn't been able to make up their minds by now is going to be persuaded by a friggin junkmail postcard?
JK: As of Saturday, 65% of MC ballots hadn't been received at elections:
Posted by jimkarlock | October 31, 2010 1:52 PM
BTW, a reader thinks the guy in the library mailer is Peter Kohler, ex-head of OHSU. True?
Posted by Jack Bog | October 31, 2010 2:39 PM
I voted awhile back. I just didn't get around to driving to a ballot drop site until late yesterday morning. But the ballot was sealed as soon as I was done marking. The percentages reported don't mean much. A few years back I chanced to drive by the ballot drop box at the MultCo building on SE 11 or 12 late in the afternoon of election day. They were doing a booming business. Just sayin'
Posted by LucsAdvo | October 31, 2010 6:48 PM
Oregon House Rep Richard Devlin has sent our household 14 four color glossy mailers, and a few days there has been two. He must own a tree farm even though he claims he's an environmentalist. He didn't get my democrat vote.
Posted by Jerry | October 31, 2010 7:19 PM
Interesting that the Trimet measure is for the "elderly and disabled"...weren't they asking for new buses recently? Needed $125 million if I remember correctly. Is this different, or are they just using the disabled and elderly as poster children to bleed the taxpayers some more?
Sounds to me they care more about spending billions to build MAX to Milwaukie than they do for the "disabled and elderly."
Posted by Jon | October 31, 2010 10:10 PM
I counted the people in the library brochure when you first started to complain about the lack of white men in the library ads. While there weren’t very many men whose faces were fully exposed, you could also tell people’s races from the backs of their heads. Any way you count it, either counting only fully pictured faces or including all men pictured, there were an equal number of white and black guys in the photos-- that’s leaving off one guy who was likely Asian, and one who was probably white, but a swarthy one. (Swarthiness probably wouldn’t come up to your standards for whitenes-- he looked like a pudgy Italian or something). Unfortunately, I threw the flyer and my tally away, a little embarrassed at spending my time that way, so I can’t give you the exact figures. But since you keep hammering away at this, and since I believe myself and not your lying eyes, I have to point out that there must be something clouding your vision.
Do you even use the library? I do, and it’s a wonderful thing to see the heavy use it gets. More and more people as the economy gets worse and worse. The library provides another kind of food for the hungry. A good thing to stabilize funding.
By the way, if publicly financed elections were to pass-- another topic in which I think there’s a something clouding your vision-- you COULD have a shot at running for office if you wanted. But the timeclock’s has completely run out on commenting on that one... if it fails this time, it will come back again. Next time I will argue it out with you, if you haven’t seen the light in the meantime...
Posted by Bee | November 1, 2010 5:07 PM