
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 19, 2010 5:38 PM. The previous post in this blog was Throw it on the pile. The next post in this blog is Vote yes on a 'dog. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Congestion you can believe in

The ride home tomorrow could be a long one.

Comments (4)

I will be s o o o o o glad when November 2nd has come and gone. Feeling like I am turning into such a negative energy at times. So in that vain......how much is Obama's "visit" costing our state or city when it comes to police security???? And is it worth the cost??

Glad my 2 day stint in downtown is over just in time. I do prefer commuting nice and solo in my evil personal vehicle. And there is little to love about downtown Portland except the proximity to the waterfront and views of mountains on clear days.

"commuters should expect “moderate” to “significant” delays through the afternoon and evening rush hour,".........or just another day at the couplet!

One more good reason not to vote for either of them.

Did you hear the latest? Obama has taken the Sikh Golden Temple off his itinerary in India, because he has been informed he would have to wear a head-covering... and well, he doesn't want to appear to be any more, um, craven to Saudi interests. Even though Sikhism has basically nothing to do with Islam, but never mind, turbans are treacherous territory for Mr Hope.

Who would have ever thought the Obama administration would be such a complete and utter sellout and waste of time. Selling the Saudis billions in arms. Refusing to admit that Nidal Hasan was a terrorist. Keeping on a dim shill like Janet Napolitano, who actually uttered the words: "the system worked" (??!!)the day after the Christmas day bomb plot unfolded. Telling people that their primitive fears are driving them into the arms of the Republicans. When actually, what's driving us there is the ever-growing awareness of just how incompetent the Democrats are.

Our country is just becoming completely tolerant of incompetence. Sam Adams is a symptom of a much, much wider problem.

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