
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 10, 2010 5:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was Our own marathon. The next post in this blog is Rainy day ride in the Gorge. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

A robot driving your car for you?

Oh, that's a long, long way off.

Eight whole years.

"I can't go there, Dave."

Comments (8)

Per the article: But of course, to be truly safer, the cars must be far more reliable than, say, today’s personal computers, which crash on occasion and are frequently infected.

I think this is the central issue that must be addressed here before we could move ahead. Embedded control systems aren't there yet (generally speaking).

And (per your 2001 Space Odyssey analogy), we'll need to assure that the autopilot override and door lock switches aren't under computer control. I could see it now: Virus-infected car moving down highway at high speed, would-be driver frantically attempting to regain control, passengers pounding on windows.....

Virus-infected car moving down highway at high speed, would-be driver frantically attempting to regain control, passengers pounding on windows.....

Isn't that a current model from Toyota?

Allan L. wins this round!

Awesome! No more designated drivers!

I have been pretty skeptical of "Microsoft Sync" in Ford models. I dont need a "blue screen of death" while driving.

this is the future. can't wait till we start tearing up the streetcar tracks (again) to make way for our hybrid robot masters.

Eight years? Wasn't 2001 nine years ago? We've already hit the date of the sequel! Something wonderful is due to happen.

This technology is another reason NOT to invest in rail. Cars will soon be able to "fill in the spaces" that we have to leave between cars so highway capacity will increase dramatically. Ever more efficient cars will be even more efficient and safe (no accordion effect). Commuters will be able to read, work or whatever without having the inflexible routes, slow speeds, crowding, crime, smells and other negatives that train commuting have.

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