
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 15, 2010 9:43 AM. The previous post in this blog was Why Portland has no money for fire trucks. The next post in this blog is Watching the new neighbor. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

A little buzz with your arepas

Here's an interesting liquor license application that we stumbled upon last evening. It adds beer, wine, and "occasional" live acoustic music to a new "food court" on a parking lot on SE Division Street between 32nd and 33rd Avenues. The property is apparently owned by one of the ADG entities, associated with Stan Amy, and the proposed operator is something called Captured by Porches Brewing, a mom-and-pop outfit from St. Helens.

Comments (11)

I was just thinking this city could use some food carts!

Mmmmm.... Beer carts...

I've been waiting for this for months. CbP is amazing beer, as you say, from a mom-and-pop brewery in St. Helens.

The have a green biodiesel bus that has keggerators in it and they'll go to events and sell growlers from it.

Now they'll have a regular parking spot and attached beer garden for it!

Wow more food carts, Portland is becoming little Delhi third world capitol of the west coast.

Actually, food trucks are sweeping the nation. In LA, they will soon have the letter grades that other food establishments display on their windows. Wish Portland could bring THAT regulation here...


John Benton has clearly never eaten at a food cart. And clearly has no understanding of recession-time entrepreneurship.

Their beer is exceptionally good. They have been taking a low profile so far - I've seen their brew at farmers' markets and the like. Well worth trying their IPA.

Oh how wrong you are, Andrew, food cart breath. I used to have my business downtown and ate from food carts on occasion. The prices weren’t that good and I always had that nagging feeling about where do those folks wash their hands, and where do they go to the bathroom. My employees who raved about them seemed to have a lot of days off with stomach disorders. Give me a break, happy hour at Jakes Grill and Jakes has better prices, better food, a place to sit down, friendly bartenders and great conversation. It is a free country and yeah go ahead and eat at the carts. I think you are stupid though.

Well New Delhi does have some excellent street food, John Benton, I'll give you that much. But I really can't eat lunch at Jake's Gril for happy hour prices, so I guess I'll have to stick to our choice of delicious street carts downtown. Been eating at carts almost every day for 5 years--never got any mysterious stomach ailments yet.

I am SO old that I remember Stan Amy from the student debate team at LO high school 45+ years ago!

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