
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 9, 2010 8:29 PM. The previous post in this blog was Make up your own joke. The next post in this blog is You can still get a plastic bag at Fred Meyer -- for a dime. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, August 9, 2010

Take this job and... woo-hoo!

What a way to go out.

Comments (6)

I understand - I had to fly to New York once before.

Man.... I wish I could of done that the day I was trapped in a Jet Blue plane for 2.5 hours in the aftermath of a certain infamous snow storm. Two days later Jet Blue was boarding planes knowing they did not have a legal flight crew (missing co-pilot) and hoping that while they held passengers captive that one would fly in.

I say cut him some slack. No one was hurt...no jail time.

He should demand a jury trial. He might get off entirely.

Now, now Jack, you know how prosecutors *hate* jury nullification.

Heck, Jack, he wouldn't just be cleared in a jury trial. He'd be nominated for a knighthood.

(Flying back from Portland last year on Southwest, a flight attendant noted that I was the only passenger they'd ever seen who'd deliberately moved to the back of the plane when we stopped for a transfer in Phoenix. I explained that considering the number of arrogant idiots who rush up to grab their bags and then block the aisle the moment the plane touched down, sitting in the back made the most sense. I could sit back and read while the idiots elbowed each other to be the first off the plane, and I'd hit Luggage Claim just as the first bags were coming up the turnstyle. Both ways, I won.)

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