Kitz's other half, according to the internet
We're not exactly sure why, but our post of yesterday about the goings-on relating to former Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber's girlfriend and her companies sent one reader off on a tear, collecting a slew of items off the internet about her. A regular Cylvia Hayes file, is what he sent us.
Here she is running for the state legislature in 2002. She lost, but here's some speculation (capably reported by former Portlander Nick Budnick) that if Kitzhaber is brought back as governor, Hayes might run again.
Here's a somewhat shrill video clip of Hayes from 2006. Here's another one from 2009. This one's a bit of a howler: "We're not just visionary thinkers -- we're visionary do-ers."
Here's a mildly goofy come-on to businesses to join her firm's "stakeholders" group, for a mere $1,000 annual fee (for which you get three hours of consulting). The page also contains an endorsement from good old Bill Bradbury, identified by his state office.
Here's a Bend newspaper story about Hayes's starting up her private, for-proft company to supersede the nonprofit she ran for years:
3EStrategies isn’t a typical company; it will actually be made up of a consortium of independent consultants, including Hayes, from around the state.Uh huh. And then there's a puff piece from the Lake Oswego Review in 2007.Some of its clients include Metolian Resort, Redmond Airport, the city of Bend and the state of Oregon.
Here's a glossy 2008 report, apparently commissioned by an arm of the state government, but note the copyright notice:

If the ongoing criminal investigation into Hayes's companies' consulting contracts with the state bears fruit, perhaps some of these clippings will become more significant. For now, they're quite a file.
Comments (18)
Whole lotta smoke and not much spark. No wonder govt agencies loved after Kitz dropped her off to make an appeal.
Besides YouTubes and a glossy magazine, she does what exactly?
Posted by Steve | August 25, 2010 8:17 AM
Sorry, I forgot, best line was in the LO paper:
"Life as a prophet was tough. She faced false arguments, false choices and downright put-downs."
Great - Now she has a messiah complex. Her and Kitz must have quite a spiritual thing goin' on.
Posted by Steve | August 25, 2010 8:19 AM
Still no clue how this has anything to do with Kitzhaber. Seems like a lot of hay making from a single straw. And, of course, a useful whipping post for those that clearly dislike Kitzhaber and/or anything professing association with "Democrat".
That, and a whole lot of magical thinking.
Posted by the other white meat | August 25, 2010 8:34 AM
Yes indeed, a prepackage dossier sitting in a drawer ready to spew out to the masses just when the timing is right. The political cunning and spirit of Richard Nixon is alive and well my friends.
Posted by Usual Kevin | August 25, 2010 8:39 AM
"Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are." Cervantes
Posted by David E Gilmore | August 25, 2010 8:44 AM
Spend a minute watching the "shrill" video. Kitz had to build bigger doorways in his house so she could get her head through. And the way she moves her hands in the video makes you think she's getting ready to pull off some sort of magic trick.
Posted by Garage Wine | August 25, 2010 9:02 AM
If I had an attractive girlfriend thirty years my junior, I could care less what she thinks or stands for.
Posted by John Benton | August 25, 2010 9:51 AM
I'm distracted by the hotness.
Posted by Snards | August 25, 2010 9:52 AM
Posted by Mojo | August 25, 2010 10:36 AM
Yes, this is so awful for the Oregon Department of Energy to try and get a piece of the contract that went to a Washington State company, so that some of the money comes back into Oregon via subcontracting.
The Oregon Department of Energy should oppose efforts to bring some of the money that is being sent to Washington State back here to Oregon via subcontracts. After all, the Oregon Department of Energy should be helping money stay in Washington State, not come back here to Oregon.
Posted by lestatdelc | August 25, 2010 11:01 AM
Back to substance; well, a little.
I've had decades of interviewing Hayes's cohorts from Evergreen College for jobs. They certainly have a long resume of environmental classes. When I finally ask what kind of jobs, experiences they've had for the job available there is usually silence.
Hayes listings in her resume makes one wonder what her qualifications are. "Waste Reduction & Recycling"-does that mean she worked at Fred Meyer as a checker recommending paper bags over plastic? "Aquifer Protection"-is that working for a landscaper planting bushes along a ravine? Heavy Equipment and Dental Assistant is a little more explanatory, and credence.
The puffery in sustainability seems to extend to Hayes credibility for all her environmental non-profits and for-profit environmental groups.
What does this have to do with Kitzhaber? We'll see, maybe. Kitzhaber being actively involved on Hayes's Boards, monetarily benefiting from her speakers bureau paid in part from ODE leaves questions. The Oregon Department of Energy contract awarding procedures has issues, plus the conflict of interest problems.
Posted by lw | August 25, 2010 11:05 AM
Exactly. The point is is $$ going to qualified people or is it just being handed about to anyone who can say green and sustainable in a sentence.
PS Lestadelc = Mitchell Gore, a frequent commenter at B.O.
It's started Jack; stand by for the BO ----storm.
Posted by Mike Hamilton | August 25, 2010 11:49 AM
"The point is is $$ going to qualified people or is it just being handed about to anyone who can say green and sustainable in a sentence."
I agree Mike, but if that is the issue it extends WAAAAAY beyond just this woman.
Posted by Snards | August 25, 2010 12:32 PM
I'd provide examples but my arm would go numb and I'd be mostly preaching to the choir anyway.
Posted by Mike H | August 25, 2010 12:47 PM
Blew Oregon. Like so many scattered leaves....
Posted by Mojo | August 25, 2010 12:51 PM
"Still no clue how this has anything to do with Kitzhaber."
Lessee, girlfriend has no good idea what she wants to do with her life besides being a prophet no one listens to. Starts up a business that does a whole lot of nuthin' in the name of greeness.
Boyfriend used to be governor and still has a lot of high up friends in govt. In addition, boyfriend is on board of said company.
Girlfriend gets funding from state for her bad idea for no obvious work product besides YouTube videos.
Yeah, nothing to see here.
Posted by Steve | August 25, 2010 2:40 PM
Not to let Kitz off the hook, believe me (if he doesn't dump her by Labor Day that means he approves) but his Blue Oregon defenders that wandered over to post on bojack earlier would absolutely not accept this simple word play: substitute "Oregon Department of Energy" with "Haliburton". And then replace "Washington State company" with "Iraq".
Here's how (a reworded post) would read:
Yes, this is so awful for Haliburton to try and get a piece of the (USA taxpayer aid, via Pres. Bush) contract that went to Iraq, so that some of the (USA taxpayer) money comes back into (USA) via subcontracting.
Haliburton should oppose efforts to bring some of the (USA) money that is being sent to Iraq back here to (USA) via subcontracts. After all, Haliburton should be helping (USA taxpayer money sent to Iraq) money stay in Iraq, not come back here to (USA).
Posted by got logic? | August 26, 2010 3:56 PM
Again, all of this will have ZERO effect on the November election and next January, you'll be calling Kitz the governor once again.
Five counties between Portland and Eugene will see to that.
It's a done deal.
Posted by The Other Jimbo | August 27, 2010 8:47 AM