
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 17, 2010 4:41 AM. The previous post in this blog was Next sports team to leave Portland: the Winterhawks. The next post in this blog is Beware the plastic bottle bomb. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It didn't just disappear

These marine scientists say that nearly 80% of the oil that BP spilled into the Gulf of Mexico is still there.

Comments (6)

There's a lot going on there that isn't adding up. For instance, BP only talks about "the" well, but in fact, there are two wellheads within 100 meters of one another. (See p. 3)

Well A, whose coordinates are 803X617 (in feet), was capped off on March 12, 2010 after the drill encountered problems due to BP's forcing TransOcean to drill too fast.

Well B is the one that blew out. It's coords are 514X494. On all the rover feeds before July, these are the coordinates that display.

Tropical Storm Bonnie came through and everyone evacuated. After Bonnie was gone, everyone came back, and BP was capping the well, you can see the coordinates on the ROV feeds correspond to Well A, the one that wasn't blown out, and therefore was easy to cap.

I don't know what happened to Well B. Neither does anyone outside of BP.


The dispersants are already being found in crab, and shrimp larvae. Those fisheries will be negatively impacted for a very long time.

Back on August 8, 2010, on the Providence Bridge Pedal thread, our "friend" JK had this to say:

JK: You mean that oil spill that has now been almost completely cleaned up? Perhaps you missed the Daily Mail story: Disaster that never was: Why claims that BP created history's worst oil spill may be the most cynical spin campaign ever By David Jones, 6th August 2010.:
Strolling along the beach for an hour, I found just one, pea-sized tar-ball which crumbled to nothing between my fingers.

When, as a young boy, I played on Morecambe beach in Lancashire, worse things often washed up from the nearby ICI refinery.

Moreover, if the U.S. TV news crews had returned just three days after their original visit, they would have seen that the black morass had already been removed by some of the 20,000 clean-up workers hired by BP.

Care to make any further comments, JK, in response to this article? Or do you have any more anecdotal stories written by BP shills in the news media for us?

I remember stepping in huge gooey tar balls on the beach in Japan and there wasn't even a "spill" going on. Mostly just litter and pollution from fishing boats. At the end of the day we do not know how much oil was spilled and where it all is now. Oh and by the way I am a scientist so you can bank on this...

Old Shep has the key.
See, the pictures of dead and dying birds are a real bummer and can really affect the bottom line, to prevent that, you need to make sure the oil doesn't float on top and get washed ashore. So the real story will be how those "dispersant's" come to play. And its not the "miles long curtains" of oil the government did not want reported. Yes your next shrimp salad may contain micro droplets of oil but Old Shep has it...

What is the dispersant? Corexit. (approx 1,000,000 Gallons used)
Active ingredient? dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate!

Sound Scary? Not really. You don't even need my State License to give it to people like I have by the handful over the years.
It is available "over the counter", and soon to your fish counter too!

Now we may have to warn people to limit their intake not only because of other fishy things like PCB and mercury, but now with this new "medicine" in the gulf!

So no longer will eating some "bad" seafood give you the "green apple two step" But now too much Gulf Shrimp will!

What is dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate?

Docusate!(Colace, Dialose, DSS, Surfak)
A surfactant used as a laxative and stool softener!

"A 22-mile-long invisible mist of oil is meandering far below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, where it will probably loiter for months or more, scientists reported Thursday in the first conclusive evidence of an underwater plume from the BP spill."


"The oil is at depths of 3,000 to 4,000 feet, far below the environment of the most popular Gulf fish like red snapper, tuna and mackerel. But it is not harmless. These depths are where small fish and crustaceans live. And one of the biggest migrations on Earth involves small fish that go from deep water to more shallow areas, taking nutrients from the ocean depths up to the large fish and mammals."

Remember that although the surface water of the Gulf may be warm, the temperature at 3-4,000 feet is considerably colder, resulting in a much slower rate of degradation.

To its credit, "NOAA redirected much of its sampling for underwater oil after consulting with Woods Hole researchers." Jane Lubchenco, NOAA director, looked very uncomfortable recently when proffering the government's pie chart of the gushed oil's distribution; but during the Q&A afterwards -- covered on C-Span but not CNN -- she was able to regain her scientific demeanor.

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