Immigration inmates may get bounced from one county jail
A county sheriff in Massachusetts is fussing with the feds over money. As a consequence, federal prisoners held on immigration charges (the kind that the feds and the city are proposing to process in Portland's SoWhat District) may get shipped out of said sheriff's jail.
Comments (1)
The law document is a fun read!
I think the winning section (legal-lingo to the Max!) is as follows:
"In one instance, the front of a motorist's car had struck a duck, with unfortunate consequences for the duck. If ducks chose to walk across a well-traveled public highway used by motorists instead of using less dangerous aerial routes better suited to flying ducks, they might well have subjected themselves to such an eventuality."
I just love the "with unfortunate consequences for the duck."
Amen and (no) Quack Quack to that!
Posted by oregbear | August 23, 2010 1:57 PM