
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 3, 2010 1:20 AM. The previous post in this blog was Window on the past. The next post in this blog is There oughta be a law against you comin' around. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Boycott Target?

Sure -- the little people can shop at Nordstrom and Whole Foods.

Comments (24)

There is always Wal-Mart.

My thought exactly, Mary!

Whole Foods on E Burnside is priced better than many other outlets, unless you mean corn syrup non food derivatives.

Wow, I just love the Blue Oregon mindset. I just did a Google search on various boycotts spearhead by the Kool-Aid crowd. Besides Target here is a list of accusations and companies the far left wants you to boycott. Boycott Whole Foods because of their CEO’s stand on national health care, Boycott Wal-Mart because they are an evil corporation, boycott Nestle for selling infant formula to third world countries, boycott Proctor & Gamble for cruel animal tests, boycott New Seasons because the companies dairies pollute cattle manure into rivers and streams. Boycott Nike and Columbia Sportswear for exploiting third world labor. Boycott PictSweet mushrooms for unfair labor practices, boycott Safeway because their pharmacy practices are monopolistic. Boycott Franz Bakeries because they discriminate on race. Archer Daniels Midland Brands to boycott: Granose, Organic, Protoveg, RealEat, White Wave. Bristol-Myers Squibb Brand to boycott: Clairol, Born Blonde. When your boycott list is longer than the shopping list it is time to do a little self examination and reality check.

You should realize by now they want to boycott any chain with more than 2 locations. The ruling class has a hard time managing these businesses once they get big enough to actually afford to fight back.

Careful Steve, you're stepping on blue toes.

Yeah, Steve expect a screed filled tirade by one of the B.O. types soon.....

There are many people who really can't afford to boycott Target, Wal-Mart, or the other "evil big-box (a redundant term to those at BO)" stores. The selection and low prices help them improve their standard of living.

It's usually the Whole Foods and overpriced-local-boutique-store crowd that wants to limit shopping choices. If they can't keep the store from being built, they'll go for boycotts.

I am choosing to not shop at Target because of their support for a hateful homophobe. I know many people find their products affordable, and that's their choice. I don't inflict my choices on others, but I refuse to spend my money with a corporation that is proud of its association with someone as vile as the GOP candidate for governor of Minnesota.

The group advocating this is no different than their Teabag party cousins: extremists on different sides of the same issue.

Oddly, they seem to conveniently this same law allows other entities to donate all types of money to campaigns with no limits, either. You know, UNIONS!

Of course, calling for a boycott of adding new members to a union would be a bit self-defeating wouldn't it?



"they seem to conveniently IGNORE this same law allows.............

Please don't give these people any more standing than they already have.

The boycott is ridiculous, since it is in response to a mere $150,000 campaign contribution (any remember how much was spent on the last presidential election?).

Target executives have gone out of their way to note that their contribution was not an endorsement of Emmer's bigoted social views, but rather support for the candidate who offered more growth-friendly economic policies.

In any event, it is all irrelevant anyway, since Emmer stands little chance of winning the general election. He has zero personality, and has so far only distinguished himself by promoting a "tip credit" policy (lower minimum wage).

I don't get all this angst over a mere free speech issue. Look, if a business does something that one group or another doesn't like, they can expect stuff like this. It's the society that we live in. Most big companies have legions of PR and CR (corporate responsibility) flaks to help them navigate this stuff. Just think of it as providing jobs to real Americans. Those jobs could not be outsourced because it requires American cultural sensitivity. Who cares anyway? Big business always survives tempests in tea pots.

The group advocating this is no different than their Teabag party cousins: extremists on different sides of the same issue.

I know, right? People who want to give civil rights to gay people--what extremists!!!1!!!!!1

The appropriately named Target is not new to protest:

There's plenty of other places to shop besides Target that aren't Whole Paycheck or Nordies. Kohl's had already ended up supplanting Target for my clothes shopping; then there's Bi-Mart (local chain, employee-owned) and the Dollar Store. I've spent most of my time in Target of late buying stuff for my classroom--well, guess that means I'll spend more time (and less money, right?) in the Dollar Store.

The rest of the story from Minnesota politcs not being told by moveon.org is that Mark Dayton, heir of the Dayton-Hudson company family fortune is one of the Democrat party candidates for governor. Dayton-Hudson was the company that started and owned Target for many years. This whole issue with Target is more about bad blood here in the Minnesota governor's race than anything else.


And there's more! Matt Entenza, one of the other DFL contenders who married into money, is receiving huge campaign contributions (in the millions, not just 100K) from his wife, who earned her fortune through back-dated stock options from her former employer, insurance giant United Health.

Wow, you and so many of the commenters are whining because some folks suggested a boycott? A boycott, by definition, is a voluntary attempt to influence behavior, so I can't for the life of me understand why the campaign against Target is a problem for anyone.

You intimate that it is, somehow, an attack on poor people to try to influence how Target spends its money buying or not buying elections. I can't even make my thought process thin enough to grasp the logic at work in this... not to mention that Target itself, by replacing locally-owned businesses with its corporate wealth-siphoning, is helping to impoverish communities and citizens the country over.

I'm boycotting Target BECAUSE they did it to support the guy's economic policies. It's 30 years of right-wing economic policies, starting with Reagan, that have reversed everything FDR did and brought us on the brink of the next Great Depression. They want lower minimum wages, more deregulation, more sweatshops and fewer unions... they're going to tear the country down! Also, there's a limit to individual contributions of $1,000 why should they have more power than a person over an election? I'll NEVER shop in Target again. I just bought my wife's birthday gift at Costco... I was going to get it at Target before all this happened.

An update on the continuing Target boycott:

"...[C]onservatives have begun to rally to support Target, but in smaller numbers. A Facebook page urging 'Boycott Target Until They Cease Funding Anti-Gay Politics' has more than 54,000 fans. A page declaring 'I will NOT Boycott Target for supporting a Conservative candidate' has a little more than 400 fans."

I'm not boycotting Target because of political contributions. I already had plenty of other reasons to boycott them.

You understand that if more people in this country were paid a living wage, they wouldn't have to shop at WalMart and Target? That these very companies prevent worker unions, so they can keep wages down? Look at the history of the old "company store".

I cannot believe Target management can be so stupid

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