
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 12, 2010 6:34 PM. The previous post in this blog was Planning rout in Tualatin continues. The next post in this blog is Crunch. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

All right!

Big news at 22nd and Broadway -- walking distance from our place:

Comments (10)

Other than my home-made boiled and baked bagels, they are the best in town by a long shot.

Let's hope expansion doesn't lead to a change in quality. They are the best in Portland, hands down.

What, no H & H?

I've been going to their location on SE 11th every Sunday since they opened. Their challah is really good too....also hard to find in Portland.

They are also opening one in Raleigh Hills very soon. Chainification is in progress. That usually means quality takes a hit. Let's hope it doesn't

Hey, their logo features smoke stacks spewing carbon into the atmosphere!


Opening soon in the strip mall next to Webber's at the intersection of Scholls Ferry Rd. and Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. Westsiders rejoice!

Noah's sucks.

Amen my GF and I went to Noah's a few yrs ago in hillsdale and her corned beef sandwich featured GREEN meat.

& no it wasn't a St Paddy's day joke...

The bagels at Noah's suck. That's enough reason not to go there alone. Plus my few experiences show the help is clueless....

Not Kettelman. Taste Bud.

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