A true outsider -- a maverick!

Breaking news: Sen. Ron Wyden (R-N.Y.) really battles those big corporations. He's for the little guy. Some examples:
No public option for health care.
Repeal the federal estate tax.
Slash corporate tax rates...
Hey, he worked for the Gray Panthers 30 years ago. Good enough.
Comments (21)
Wow...I'm impressed..
Between him and Blumenauer we've done so well as a city and state. Sure..let's keep those incumbents for more of the same loser status.
Posted by Kelley J. | August 21, 2010 11:44 AM
And don't forget his heroic support of Shrub's bankruptcy "reform" - an even bigger giveaway to the banks (specifically credit card issuers) than TARP was. Thanks to Wyden, impoverished mothers owed child support have to get in line behind BofA for a share of the debtor's future income stream. (Yes, Ron, I know child support gets prioritized in the initial asset distribution. But that's a big fat zero in most cases.)
The two most difficult (and nauseating) votes of my entire life will be cast this fall for Wyden and Kitzhaber. Oregon can and must do better than this.
Posted by Semi-Cynic | August 21, 2010 11:48 AM
Don't like Ron? Jim Huffman would be sooooo much better. Bring on the Tea Party.
Posted by Allan L. | August 21, 2010 12:07 PM
Semi-C wrote: The two most difficult (and nauseating) votes of my entire life will be cast this fall for Wyden and Kitzhaber. Oregon can and must do better than this.
Just don't do it! The only message the lame & phoney Ds and their *leadership* will understand is rejection. There's a limit to the damage Huff'n'Dud could do at most, anyway.
This generation of Ds has been making us sick for too long now. Since '92, at least.
F 'em, and the limos they rode in on.
Meanwhile, "Have another cucumber sandwich, Ron. They're fabulous. Just like you."
Posted by Mojo | August 21, 2010 12:15 PM
Allan L.
The Tea Party is not the issue. If you didn't notice we're circling the drain with no change in sight. Keep your self-serving status quo. The enlightened D's want a change before it's too late.
Posted by Gary D. | August 21, 2010 12:27 PM
When the Gray Hair is dead, Magua will eat his heart. -- from "The Last of the Mohicans" (1992).
Posted by Mojo | August 21, 2010 12:42 PM
Is there a politician alive today who does not pander to the major corporations?? The gastric juices climb the walls of the esophagus just thinking about having to pick the "least worse" once again.
Posted by genop | August 21, 2010 1:01 PM
The enlightened D's want a change before it's too late.
We had eight years of that. It's why we are where we are now.
Posted by Allan L. | August 21, 2010 1:36 PM
Hey Ron , maybe use that seniority and get us some dough to build our bridges , Mark Hatfield would! Oh and call your buds Defaziomeister / Blummy and light a fire under them.
Posted by billb | August 21, 2010 3:00 PM
We know..Kitzhaber showed us where the drain was. Keep that PERS package growing.
Posted by Ted | August 21, 2010 3:01 PM
When are people going to wake up and throw this aging loser with the bad comb-over under the bus? Can anyone actually think of anything this jerk has done that actually aaffects them?
Posted by Dave A. | August 21, 2010 3:46 PM
Yeah, but most of it is very negative for us - but not for *them*.
Posted by Mojo | August 21, 2010 3:55 PM
If Wyden gets in, do we really want him for another six years?
If Huffman gets in, and is not acceptable, then he goes and we try another.
Plus a new one will not be as entrenched as Mr. Wyden. At this point, I am willing to put in a normal citizen, anyone but Mr. Wyden. I am still upset about the high levels of benzene in our air that he said he would attend to - in five years?? If he and his children lived here, might it not have been sooner? I probably shouldn't carry on as I do not know about Huffman, but we shouldn't be so afraid of another when the one who is in has already betrayed us. If Wyden stays in his chances of becoming a Vice President or some appointment improve, do we want that?
I was at his town hall meeting and the vibes were so bad I couldn't remain in the room. When a citizen provided information and asked a valid question about the health care issue, as I recall, his response was something like - well, now you are using logic. Maybe I am too jaded but I heard this as a deflection and a put down. These politicians must go to workshops to learn every trick in the book when they have to face their constituents. I imagine the Blue Oregon folks will be on here soon.
At this point, I am not for R or D, my thoughts are that they have both been hijacked and many have betrayed the people.
I am tired of the same old same old vote for the lesser one. Citizens who are from outside the D or R party “clubs" need to tell these parties to stop this pattern of “a no real choice candidate" or leave completely to go to other parties. . and work hard within them to bring out good choices. Our weary America cannot go on like this much longer.
Posted by clinamen | August 21, 2010 3:58 PM
"Americans don't want to be governed from the left or the right," Scott Rasmussen tells the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conference of 1,500 conservative and moderate legislators. "They want, like the Founding Fathers, to largely govern themselves with Washington in a supporting—but not dominant—role. The tea party movement is today's updated expression of that sentiment."
Posted by Max | August 21, 2010 4:28 PM
Not a peep from the senior senator about the $307B theft of WaMu -- a NW regional bank that was generous, for example, to Oregon schools -- by the combined forces of the House of Morgan, Rockefeller (Chase), Bushleague Treasury Secretary Henry Merritt "Hank" Paulson, Jr, and Sheila Bair's FDIC.
No objection from the senior senator to expanding the FDIC's power so that it can now seize bank holding companies -- a power that allows the FDIC to suppress shareholder objections to such thefts as that of WaMu (of which there have been none nearly of the same order of financial magnitude). It is because WaMu's parent company, WMI, was not able to be seized by the government that revelations are being made regarding how sordid the apparent collusion of too-big-to-fail banks and the federal government has been.
Just this week, for example, it has been learned that the September 25, 2008, "sale," for $1.888B, of $307B of WaMu's assets -- still not inventoried by the FDIC -- has not yet closed. Further, details regarding WaMu's solvency prior to seizure reveal that the story -- that WaMu was a hopelessly toxic threat to the national and world financial systems -- propagated by JPM Chase and the FDIC was too far from reality to be innocently inaccurate:
Posted by Gardiner Menefree | August 21, 2010 4:29 PM
Screw the Tea Party... maybe the Coffee Party (and yes Virginia it exists) should get active in this state.
I need to learn about Hoffman a bit more and see his positions and qualifications. I've already said I won't vote for "Dudley do no postitions". And that's not changing. But Wyden has long been a big weasel, in ways that Kitz has not...
Posted by LucsAdvo | August 21, 2010 8:02 PM
I didn't know Wyden was still an Oregon senator. I thought he was now New York's third senator.
Posted by Bluecollar Libertarian | August 21, 2010 8:23 PM
At least if we vote in Dudley, he might be able to slow down this train wreck.
Divided We Stand, United We Fail
Posted by mp97303 | August 21, 2010 8:46 PM
We had eight years of that. It's why we are where we are now.
And the D's know it...and they are going to do whatever they want now because they know re-election is in the bag.
Posted by Jon | August 21, 2010 10:46 PM
Yeah, Wyden is a disappointment, for the reasons Jack lists. But Huffman would be even worse, on those issues and more.
Posted by Pete | August 22, 2010 10:50 AM
Republicans might like it if we reject Ron Wyden but given how the right votes in lockstep on so many issues, it won't help Democrats on the issues that matter to us. He just is Republican light and voting him out gets us Republican deep. Why don't better options run with the views that Democrats value? Year after year, it's my frustration that we really don't get a choice unless we vote for the values of the righties, not an option for me at least.
Posted by Rain | August 22, 2010 2:52 PM