
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 11, 2010 9:34 PM. The previous post in this blog was Another trendy magazine hits Portland. The next post in this blog is No gunfire? Good enough.. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A change is gonna come

Here's an important alert to all Portland-area residents who have been complaining that this summer has been unseasonably cool: Please prepare to change gears this weekend, when you can once again complain that it's too hot.

Comments (6)

Been there. Done that this year already.

When it exceeds 100°F for more than one day, I'm outta here!

Not good for fire season.

I think our spring was likely extended because of the Icelandic volcano, and now I'm wondering whether the unseasonably cool mid-summer temps aren't a side effect of the Russian firestorms -- they are pumping a literal hell of a lot of smoke and particulates up into the air.

George - that doesn't adequately explain the record-breaking temperatures in the Midwest. Which is, by the way, where I'm headed on Saturday.

Yay for southern-Ohio humidity!

Fred -- I wasn't intending to comment on the mid-continental region, which is probably showing the unmasked effects of pumping CO2 up to 390+ ppm. Rather, I was seeking an explanation for the NW's unseasonably cool stretch; since reading a study about particulates travelling here from Chinise pollution, I've been more aware of how massive smoke/ash/pollution events across the world can still change local weather.

We just had a thunderstorm pass through the North Texas area last night, leading us to our current air quality: "Too Thick To Breathe, Too Thin For Waterskiing."

George - the colder than average Pacific waters off the West Coast are more likely the cause of the cooler than normal weather for us, as well as the recent dry weather.

Moving into a La Nina winter, this heat wave may be the last call for summer, and forecast models have been erratic, to say the least, in regards to how many days of hot weather, which days, etc.

For the weather geeks out there, I highly recommend Mark Nelson's weather blog on Channel 12.

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