
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 13, 2010 12:47 PM. The previous post in this blog was What's really going on in the Gulf. The next post in this blog is Tri-Met strategy: Put the memorial plaque up in advance. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What is Bill Wyatt running for?

Out at the Portland Airport, they're now running a welcoming announcement over all the loudspeakers: "Hello, this is Bill Wyatt, executive director of the Port of Portland..."

Comments (10)

I work out at PDX... They've been running that announcement (as well as two others -- The Director of the TSA in Oregon and the Port of Portland police chief have messages as well) since the holidays this past year.

Fairly basic "greeting"-type messages really... I don't think there's much an ulterior motive behind them... but they are bloody annoying when you hear them every 15 minutes or so day in and day out. :)

They fear being replaced when Dudley becomes gov.

They are posturing themselves for pay raises prior to removal to boost their retirement?

Bill Wyatt was Kitzhaber's cheif of staff.

Ben since the Port manages to stay immune from home rule (meaning we the taxpayers cannot elect the governance) it's been a huge political plum since day one. If parties change, likely execs will change too.

That's what I said. :)

"Hello, this is Bill Wyatt, executive director of the Port of Portland...While you've been gone, I've been spending your money like there is no tomorrow. And Sam's been doing his share too. That streetcar we like and you hate is located on the second level near baggage pick up. Thank you. (suckers)

Oh, and in addition, he's also spreading the grease/bribes around, signing up the the airport into an agrofuels-for-aviation boondoggle, with greenwash cover provided by a sold-out green group (Climate Solutions).


I'm surprised Fred Hansen didn't make the annoucements on MAX/WES:

"Hello, I'm Fred Hansen. Welcome aboard the finest light rail transit system in the world, MAX. I'm the General Manager and would like to inform you of a few things about your ride today.

"Please remember that a fare must be purchased to ride, unless in the downtown 'Free Rail Zone'. You can purchase a fare from one of our conveniently located ticket vending machines; most of which accept credit and debit cards. Look for specially marked machines which will also accept cash and coin.

"Now, sit back and relax. Your next stop will be (insert name of stop) and the doors will open to your (left/right). For your safety, please hold on to your children as you board and exit the train. In the event of an emergency, please use the intercom adjacent to the exit doors, and remember - only press the call button one time. Cameras are located on MAX trains and on station platforms for your security."

If Bill's gonna run, he's running out of time...he's not getting any younger.

"Please remember that a fare must be purchased to ride, unless in the downtown 'Free Rail Zone'. You can purchase a fare from one of our conveniently located ticket vending machines; most of which accept credit and debit cards. Look for specially marked machines which will also accept cash and coin.

"Look for the specially marked machines that actually work."


Makes me long for Ed Whalen's announcments in PDX. Wow. Never thought I'd be saying this.

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