
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 9, 2010 10:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was Today's free ad on the City of Portland website. The next post in this blog is Easy money. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Wasting money? Might as well be "green" about it.

It's not just the eco-roof. The new $100-million-plus Port of Portland headquarters out at the airport will also have recycled water in its toilets.

Comments (8)

But think Jack: the energy and water savings will recoup the cost of the entire project over a mere 312 years! It literally pays for itself!

Recycled water in its toilets -- the better to go with the public monies that're flying down PoP's drains.

Go by jetbike!

If they were really! green composting toilets would have been installed.
The pen ultimate in recycled waste!

I cannot understand all this water conservation stuff the environmentalists in this area jaw about. We don’t have a water shortage, and even in extreme drought years just switch to lawn watering every other day. The only thing that makes it seem that limited is the cost the City of Portland charges for it. I could understand this if we were Arizona or Nevada. When are we going to tar and feather the greenies and run them out of here?

I'm sure you all are just flushed with pride!

I am sure the green roof shown in the photo is phoney. In order to keep an eco-roof that green substantial irrigation and fertilizer would be required. A proper eco-roof looks dead in the winter, green in the spring and dead again in the late summer. Let's spend $$$$ to support a dirt roof with weeds!
And bye the bye, why do these quasi-governmental agencies need to keep devouring new office space? The Port of Portland has failed to hang on to its dwindling container business, address the necessary dredging of the Columbia River or been able to keep international carriers serving Portland.

Next up will be a $100M new headquarters for the water bureau and a $200M new state of the art city hall...In Moyer buildings, of course.

lie2me: Don't give the City any ideas. They might actually take you up, and decree that the Portland Building is not "green" enough and that the City must move its offices to somewhere in the Pearl District in a LEED Platinum building on the Streetcar line.

I normally defend the Port, but they moved from the Lloyd District to Old Town to the Airport in what, the last 15 years. How much money did THAT cost, and is the Port actually saving any money at the new facilities? The Port should have just purchased the old Delta Airlines cargo building and kitchen facility (north side of Airport Way opposite 82nd Avenue) since it's been vacant for years; certainly it would not have cost much to renovate it for office space.

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