
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 31, 2010 8:44 PM. The previous post in this blog was The mayor won't be Tweeting this. The next post in this blog is John Callahan's finest moment. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Orwell rolls over in grave, collides with Kafka

Google and the spooks in our government just get cozier and cozier.

Comments (2)

Good Morning Jack;
I never trusted Google 100 percent, now I'm DONE with them! as in selling all stock and watching my posts but Jack we were warned sort of via Hollywood some 30 years ago. Remember the Rockford Files?
There was a eposode about "Big Brother"
This was one of the all time Greats from the series.
It starts when Jim stumbles on a underground warehouse where the files of millions of American's were kept, that included credit,employment, DMV, medical,Armed Forces ect.
And with his side kick Richey Brocklemen, took that mean machine out.Hence the nation was saved!
Fast forward 35 years...
We have the big 3 credit reporting agencies, note Trans Union is private and does not have to report earnings.
Next, we have MIB, and I don't mean "Men In Black" it's the Med. Information Bureau, and next here's a beauty and the most dangerous....ChoicePoint.. A company the provides private background checks for profit to goverments, state and federal and prospective employers.
Now ever try to correct a credit error?
How about a medical condition?
Every time you sign for a prescription from your drug store, you sign a waiver.
Now try to buy some life insurance on line and have a answer in 60 seconds or less......Yes that life insurance company has a record of every script you have taken for at least 10 years!
Time to bring back Jim and put EVIL back in it's place.

greatest headline ever!!!

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