
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 2, 2010 11:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was Like music to the dancer. The next post in this blog is Have a great holiday weekend. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, July 2, 2010

More monkeying with the duck poop cleanup bids

When bureaucrats keep changing the rules in a public bidding process, it always waves a red flag with us. So it goes with the City of Portland bids for the cleanup of the duck pond at Laurehurst Park.

Not only is the city in the second round of bidding on the project -- the first attempt resulted in bids that were almost twice the city's anticipated maximum -- but now they've pushed back the bid deadline, hastily scheduled a third pre-bidding meeting (second on this go-'round), and issued answers to some questions that one would think should have been asked and answered long ago.

It just smells, well, fishy.

Anyhow, the new deadline is July 15. Go via duck!

Comments (3)

"You try to cross over there a chicken and you'll find out...."

At the other end of the spectrum you've got Leonard and PWB receiving exemption to the competitive bidding process for Kelly Butte reservoir construction. Helping out PWB Shaff's water engineer buddy again. We get hosed either way.

We ought to do it the Ol' Chicago way: let the Mayor or Commissioner award the inflated public works projects to whoever pays the biggest bribe. Then it won't sting quite so much when we rescind their pensions and send them to jail.

Better yet, lets drop public bidding altogether and make city employees responsible for all public works projects. Just think of all the kids-of-cronies hiring that Randy, Dan, and Sam could do. Remember, a bribe only pays once, but patronage jobs pay monthly and come with full medical and dental.

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