
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 15, 2010 4:21 PM. The previous post in this blog was All I gotta do is act naturally. The next post in this blog is Sinking deeper off the deep end. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

How is this "green"?

You put your lunch refuse in a bucket, and they drive it to Seattle to be composted.

Religions are pretty irrational, aren't they?

Comments (12)

Makes about as much sense as trucking all of our sewage-plant "biosolids" to Boardman. Huge waste of fuel and money + a huge pollution problem for water sources in eastern oregon.

- "We're from the government. We're here to help you".

What if they use bio-diesel?

Irrational waste of public dollars and energy is still irrational waste of public dollars and energy regardless of how much greenhouse gas impact it generates.

In other words, painting the pig green doesn't make it not a pig.

Bio-diesel? How about Bio-truck tires and Bio-plastic bags and that Carbon emitting truck driver?

I am waiting for suicide greenies, who come to the realization that their very existence requires a draw on planet earth and feel so guilty they ask for assisted suicide. Their remains after suicide will be fed to the wild wolves reintroduced to Oregon, of course. Maybe this is the real purpose of abortion, and not so much a woman's right to choose.

Some of the large buildings like the state office building at the Lloyd Center district actually can have problems with rats and mice getting inside. So, we shall see if the greenies aren't having to eat their lunch with the rats when the latter become attracted to these buckets.

Jack, loan them some worms for a starter.

And what is the carbon foot print of the truck ride?

Talk about mental masturbation.

Bob has the right idea

Head on up to Wiewel-land and ask how much they pay for compostable cups and utensils.

Then ask how much if it gets composted.

I'll save you the time: Zero.

Bob is sick. At least that comment was.

slightly off-topic, but Seattle connected, and I thought you'd appreciate the sentiment re: Chase


I don't think Bob is sick. I think the first paragraph of his post represents a logical progression for individuals who buy in so completely to the extreme green way of thinking. Personally I hope it doesn't come to that but zealotry always leads to extreme actions and it's not outside the realm of possibility. I never imagined a scenario in which individuals would strap bombs to retarded teenagers in order to advance their agenda, political, religious, or whatever. But it's happening. Look at the post earlier in the week in which the writer looked forward to the death of the human race.

Maybe the ultimate plan is to bike it to Seattle in specially constructed pedal powered waste hauling vehicles. Maybe that's the plan for the Boardman trash, too.

Jobs for Oregonians!

Their remains after suicide will be fed to the wild wolves reintroduced to Oregon, of course. Maybe this is the real purpose of abortion, and not so much a woman's right to choose.

I stand by my statement. Sick.

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