
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 7, 2010 4:02 PM. The previous post in this blog was ¡Hola! ¡España!. The next post in this blog is The high cost of incompetence. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ah... green, sustainable, eco-friendly Oregon

... unless you are a goose.

Comments (14)

Recipes, anyone?

I recall that a bunch of geese were whacked up in Seattle a few years back in a similar fashion. The geese were supposedly donated to a homeless shelter but most went mostly unconsumed because they tasted so bad.

Glad to see Bend did something about these nuisance birds. They're a frickin' plague. I'd say a public health hazard, too.

Most of the people who object to euthanizing geese aren't chasing toddlers through a maze of goose poop.

Couldn't they be used to replace the oily birds down south?

We were recently on vacation in the Bend area and visited Drake Park and there was goose "waste" everywhere, really disgusting at such a beautiful place. The stroller wheels were covered in it.

Some of us refer to them as "giant flying bags of sh*t".
And yes they can be a health hazard.

Is there any way, once you have them rounded up, to take them out in the woods far away and turn them loose? At least they'd have a fighting chance. Or do they keep coming back like the sea lions in the Columbia?

3 foot high plastic sheet barriers staggered around open spaces have worked in other areas. The geese get nervous about the possibity of a surprise attack, becoming dinner for a predator. I am not familiar with the area, but lethal solutions can always be avoided.

OMg, they are geese. Fowl animals, indeed!

Evidently they did try and put the goose meat to good use, wasn't a plump goose what scrooge sent to the Cratchet family. http://www.edmontonjournal.com/technology/Canada+geese+menu+after+cull/3231910/story.html and in you home state of NJ

But another group has some doubts about the process and food bank donation http://www.articles.lovecanadageese.com/donating.html

Some golf courses back east have used border collies to good effect....


Maybe we could use coyotes

The problem continues - I drove by Drake Park last weekend and saw dozens of geese 'fowling' the picnic site of an adorable young family.

Many aspects to Living Green, these include eco-frindly products to save the earth and improve our lifestyles: Many products available at http://www.from-this-century.com as well as informational resources on our links page.

BUT since you asked for recipes, my wife just invented the perfect Romaine salad to go with your geese. We just posted this recipe on http:www.balanced-concepts.com/newsletter. Enjoy your dinner!

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