
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 14, 2010 2:44 PM. The previous post in this blog was The bag we're in. The next post in this blog is L.O. streetcar sticker shock. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A taste of Portland in the Big Apple

Go by pedicab! There were two adults and two kids piled into the back, and this gentleman got us where we were going, in midtown Manhattan:

Comments (9)

NYC in July....

How's the yoomidity?

That driver looks a little chunkier than I would expect for a guy who makes his living pedaling people around Manhattan. I guess all those street-cart hot dogs and knishes add up. . .

most of those babies have electric assist motors on them.
so do many of the cargo delivery bikes.
it makes perfect sense.

as for tne NYC-Portland thing.. i recall seeing them in NYC before PO.

I was at Waterfront Park when a pedicab passed me. A couple of guys asked the driver, "Do you take debit cards" and he said, "I take debit cards to the ATM."

(Did you have to pay cash for your fare and how far did you ride? That looks like a lot of traffic in front of you.)

How was the AC?

Wow, that would solve so many problems--unemployment by hiring drivers, carbon emissions by fewer buses on the road, trying to drive down Hawthorne when the bus it taking the middle of both lanes; plus it's way cooler than a train or streetcar! Let's get Sam right on that!

Michelle ... seriously.. it's not cool and it actually solves problems.... kiddie hall will not be interested.

Many years ago China banned the rickshaw as a symbol of colonialist oppression and as an inhumane form of slavery for the drivers. Now the cyclist clique want to bring them to America.

They're here, and eager to be of service.

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