
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 24, 2010 1:46 PM. The previous post in this blog was Tough times for critters. The next post in this blog is Another one bites the dust. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

What if they shut down City Hall entirely?

The idea is not as extreme as it sounds. Here in Portland, for a time there was discussion of merging the city with Multnomah County -- kind of the way it is in San Francisco. If things get this extreme in government finance around here -- and they very well might -- that conversation could pick up where it left off.

Comments (13)

What will Sam do? High school guidance counselor?

One of the few productive uses of City Hall was its rental in 2007 to the company that produced "Untraceable"(2008). I do not mean to suggest that Mr Hoblit's film is noteworthy but only that City Hall was, for a brief moment, productively engaged.

One of the few productive uses of City Hall was its rental in 2007 to the company that produced "Untraceable"(2008).

Here in 2010, City Hall is used occasionally as a location for the TNT program "Leverage".

I watched part of it for the first time last night and it ain't that good.

I used to live in Denver, another city which is also a county. I always felt that the system is efficient for a medium-sized metro area.

a medium-sized metro area.

Did somebody say "metro"?

As long as only Portland is merged into its own city/county deal, and the rest of Multnomah county can be merged into Clackamas County and Hood River County... sounds like a great idea.

I wouldn't expect people from Gresham to be too hip on the idea of giving Portland more control then they already have (via metro).

Why not? Just make Mult County and Portland the same thing and dissolve METRO.

We'd lose one layer of gov (Fed / State / Metro / County / City) and it would have to be easier to get stuff done.

After listening to Thom Hartman this morning tell his national audience what a great job our Mayor and Portland is going what am I supposed to think?

"I wouldn't expect people from Gresham to be too hip on the idea of giving Portland more control"

East county would flip its lid. They would try everything up to and including starting their own county.

Ben, Mr Hartmann does not spend a lot of time in Portland, nor does he involve himself in comprehending the city. For example, a few years ago, while a fierce struggle raged between Mr Adams and then-Mayor Potter, he concluded an interview with the latter -- which did not include a discussion of the dispute -- with "You're all doing a fine job, Mr Mayor."

A squat on a houseboat separates him from the populace, perhaps even from such quotidian concerns as city sewerage rates. He knows more about Vermont than about Oregon or its principal city.

But this is not to suggest that Mr Hartmann is not entertaining.

Great idea if you dissolve city council and put city government under Metro.

Yeah, that would be great. We could all bicycle our way to living hell.

If we're keeping track, my home town of Philly is also a city/county.

As a resident of unincorporated Multnomah County, I say thanks, but no thanks.

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