
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 18, 2010 7:49 PM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great weekend. The next post in this blog is Idaho bomb plot story has Oregon City connection. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Now that Colorado's in the Pac 10...

... maybe some of the other attributes of that state will soon be imported to Oregon. D'ya think?

Comments (7)

Great. Let's have some more anti-biking rants. A little divisiveness is just what the doctor ordered.

What rants? I'm sure people can think of numerous places in Portland where bikes shouldn't be allowed to go. The sidewalks of downtown are already off limits, for good reason.

To think of how much energy savings could result from drivers again being able to use intersection turn lanes. Hey, when gas hits $7.00 a gallon that will be important.

Eliminationist solutions should generally stay on the internet where they belong.

There are a lot of morons on bikes. They ride without helmets (and are not required to carry insurance like auto drivers are so if they have no insurance the rest of us pay for their injuries). They ride without lights at night. They see cars with right turn signals on sitting at stop lights in places where their are no infernal bike lanes and think that they can pull up in the right of that car when they are not planning to turn. And by the way, where there are no bike lanes, the morons are violating the law by being abreast of a vehicle that has established right of way. Many bicyclists want it all their way... right of way over cars and right of way over pedestrians in cross walks and on sidewalks. Bah! Bicyclists should be forced to carry insurance and pass licensing tests. It would be a start to stopping some of the stupidity.

Surely, they must be kidding. A ban against bicycles in a town of 100? C'mon!

What have they got, 5 cars on the road at any given time? 1 bike?

What next, a law against breathing carbon dioxide? "We know it would be bad to do that, and could lead to health problems..."

Well, "nospecialrights,"

As you have so eloquently demonstrated, stupidity is not that easy to stop.

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