His name is Kyron

Here's a deeply disturbing story. And I can't put my finger on it, but there's something about the details being given so far that doesn't sound right to me.
Anyway, if you see Kyron Horman (pictured above at the time he disappeared from Skyline School in Northwest Portland on Friday), call 503-261-2847. And if you pray, pray.
Comments (11)
Thank you for posting this story.
I recently divorced my spouse and was shocked to find out that he frequently failed to pick up our child at his PPS bus stop (less than two blocks from his home). When I called to complain to the PPS Transportation Director, he explained that PPS transportation policy treats Kindergarteners (age 5 or 6) and High School seniors, exactly the same in terms of disembarking the bus. They are all permitted to get off the bus alone, so long as the bus driver "feels" it is safe. The only exceptions are for ESL and Special Ed kids (who get a different colored school bus tag, red I think). When I asked him if he might grant an exception to treat my five year old as if he were ESL or Special Ed (just to get the Red bus tag), he said absolutely not. That was the last day our 5 year old rode the bus.
Clearly, Kyron's abduction is unrelated to riding the bus. That said, the school failed in their responsibility to receive Kyron from his stepmom in the morning (acknowledging he was in their custody), and return them safely to his parents (NOT THE SIDE OF THE ROAD) in the afternoon. En loco parentis, "in the place of the parent", in Latin. The moment the child was reported absent, it should have triggered a notification phone call to his parents, WHETHER OR NOT THEY HAVE A ROBO-DIALER to make the call for them.
I also believe Kyron's mother is a Reading Specialist at PPS, which makes their apparent failure to notify her all the more painful.
When I pointed out the risk inherent in delegating the decision (to disembark alone to a five year old), the PPS Transportation Director told me I was paranoid.
Posted by Jennifer | June 6, 2010 8:07 AM
What I don't get is that it was Science Fair Day, and there were a lot of parents around. Seems like a heck of a time to try to abduct one of the kids, or for one of the kids to try to sneak off and skip school.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 6, 2010 8:12 AM
Jack I totally agree with the "uneasy feelings" in this new case. There is much that is not being reported....and I can only hope it is because the detectives are quietly following the leads and evidence and don't want to jeopardize case early on.
Pray for his safety!
Posted by Tess | June 6, 2010 9:44 AM
Jack I think you are right, some odd elements to the story. I in no way criticize the LE turnout, but am very surprised at the scope and depth. The most striking is the almost immediate involvement of the FBI. Since this isn't a bank, it makes one wonder.
Something very serious is going on here, a lot more then "just another missing kid."
Thoughts, Prayers and patience is in order here.
Posted by dman | June 6, 2010 11:01 AM
A couple of random thoughts.
When Ward Weaver struck the second time, there was far less action by the police and the FBI than we are seeing now. The cynical part of me wonders a couple of things... I will only mention two... and they are 1) is social class a factor and 2) is his younger age a factor? Even after Weaver killed Ashley who had accused him of attempted rape, the cops did not seem to really focus that much on him.
It's odd that all the parents are being called in for interviews. Again, I don't recall that was done with Gaddis or Pond. And I wonder if there is already one or more viable suspects in that group.
Posted by LucsAdvo | June 6, 2010 12:15 PM
Thanks for posting, Jack. We can't have enough eyes and ears on alert looking for this child (or anything else involving a child that does not seem right).
Posted by Sarah Bott | June 6, 2010 6:02 PM
This could still potentially have a happy ending, but it's starting to look as though we're going to start progressing through a series of sadder and sadder possibilities.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 6, 2010 6:14 PM
Thanks for posting the picture of Kryon
Horman. I am beginning to follow this case very closely now and find it rather interesting the FBI brought in a profiler from HQ's in Quantico, VA. Obviously local law enforcement and the FBI will start to interview past and present convicts who were involved in either attempted or actual child abduction cases in the past to find out clues to this little boy's whereabouts. I just prayed that
local law enforcement finds him. I know from past child abduction cases the longer you get out from the original date and time of kidnapping the harder it gets to find someone. Finally, I will pray for the missing boy and his extended family.
Posted by tom1804 | June 6, 2010 11:27 PM
There does seem to be a great deal of secrecy surrounding this case. Perhaps I am mistaken, but I do not recall a case where so much attention was paid to it. Sadly kids go missing all the time, and theyre lucky if they even get mentioned on the news. But 100's of people coming in to search (civilians are not allowed)FBI, profilers, horses? Im not saying this is a bad thing, it just seems out of the ordinary. I also dont understand why they did not send out an AMBER alert, I believe someone in the media commented that it was because they didnt think he was out of the state......but he's missing! I wouldnt think that it mattered. Perhaps in time, they will reveal the reasons for the secrecy. However, I hope and pray that their hard work turns up some answers at least, but mostly, to bring him home to his freinds and family, God be with you KYRON.
Posted by hannah121 | June 10, 2010 8:52 PM
I think they do an Amber alert only when they have a suspect or a vehicle license number.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 13, 2010 5:17 AM
I too find it odd that no one saw Kyron or his stepmother at school that morning.
I have never been to a classroom or program that the Teacher was not involved. This is a small town and my town is much bigger with many more children and they are still very involved with the children. Didn't they find it odd that they did not notice him in the classroom with his project or parent. Didn't they think it odd that she didn't acknowledge Kyrons project with the teacher? I can't think of a time that my Kids did not have a program that was before or after school that the teacher or I didn't speak to eachother and acknowledge my childs accomplishment. Its odd. Even if the child was not mine by birth. I have also never taken pictures of my childs projects without another student nearby. Kids remember things, didn't that seem odd too that no children saw Kyron. My kids friends will take every opportunity to greet them ANYWHERE at anytime we see them. Maybe this kid keeps to himself, but i find that unlikely he would not have any friends that would greet him at school. Maybe she dropped him off a few hours before school started because she had to get to the gym, what time did she take the picture, what time did she post on facebook? does she do that regularly, post on facebook about Kyron? what relationship did those two have? With the new baby at the house, what is their relationship like? is she resentful that there is a reminder in the house that her husband was previously married or did she just resent Kyron and his relationship with is Mother? did she think she could do away with the stepkid and have daddy all to herself?
Posted by Kriss Huese | June 29, 2010 10:32 AM