
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 4, 2010 8:36 AM. The previous post in this blog was Coming attraction. The next post in this blog is Please don't tell the Sam-Rand twins. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Another day, another page on the chart

Checking in this morning on the collective nervous breakdown that is the Adams administration in Portland, we find that alas, the patient is still quite ill. Now it turns out that saving all those uniformed police officers' jobs won't mean actually keeping them on the streets. They've laid off a bunch of civilian workers and are putting the arm on the sworn officers to take over the desk jobs that the civilians used to do. Another great moment from the Maestro of Mindscrew.

The tangled web of lies and misleading statements coming out of the mayor's office over his police bureau coup has become far too complex to follow any more. I guess if the falsehoods showed us anything new about this patient, it might be worth trying to sort through them all. But we've known for a long time what the problem is here, and for now it suffices to note that no progress is being made. Recovery will take another 2½ years -- maybe longer.

Comments (14)

Master of mind screw, Master of reckless borrowing. Some pro-Adams people are apt to accuse you of master baiting.

One does have to wonder how much further the bread-and-circuses emperor thinks he can push the prætorians and the plebs.

Adams is deranged. So are his supporters. So rare to see rats go down with a ship, too. Pass the popcorn.

We need to figure out how much more we'll be paying officers to do this deskwork than the civies they replaced. I'm guessing that pay and benefits for a clerk were significantly less than those of a trained and experienced police officer.

Meanwhile, there's derangement up north too -- Gregoire says "There's no reason to expect overruns" on a $1.1 billion viaduct tunnel. Whoa, I want what she's smoking.


The Mayor wants to bring more minorities and women into city government. The new city budget will bankroll an internship program to do just that. Meanwhile, the police bureau desk workers who were just let go? Mostly minorities and women. Brilliant.

If it is light or limited duty police officers I don't have a problem. The question is do we have enough of these permanently fill desk jobs without taking officers off the street?

Mojo, "Adams is deranged. So are his supporters."

You're talking about BlueOregon?

Q: When can you tell a politician is lying.

A: When his lips are moving.

Sam Adams has taken this quip to Olympian levels.

I mean all of them. All. Of. Them.

Jack what you are missing is that every time a cop shoots someone they have to go on desk duty , soooo , we have lots of cops ready for desk duty....

I don't still believe the police are the root of the problem, but instead the unsound fiscal priorities of at least the past 15 years of city government. The PPB hiring standards have been ratcheted down twice in that period alone, and I'm told PPB has lower officer salaries than many of the city's surrounding suburbs. And why? So the city could finance trams, picturesque street trolleys, convention centers, upscale condo developments, giant accupuncture needles, etc, etc, ad nauseum. I can't even think of them all. I wish WW would compile a list of wasteful projects and publish it alongside a list of degrading or disappearing services, some of which might've prevented these shootings in the first place.

One point... if there are lower standards to be a cop within a jurisdiction, there should be lower pay for those who meet that minimum standard. It should be apples to apples. The county used to pay deputies with advanced degrees more than those with a plain bachelors. I don't know if that's true now.

Case in point for pay by qualifications... Nurses with Masters degrees out earn those with bachelors who out earn LPNs.

Um, yeah hello? I brought up this point in several posts two weeks ago.
You just now realized that someone still has to do the clerical jobs?

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