
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 15, 2010 7:39 AM. The previous post in this blog was City Hall as crack ho. The next post in this blog is Pomp, circumstance, and silly string. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Above the law

Here's a state legislator setting a fine example for his fellow Idahoans.

Comments (10)

Does he have time to hang out in airport bath rooms too?

Just like Congress is exempt for FICA and having to deal with ordinary medical insurance like the average taxpayer.

Oregon has had their own shining example.

"Because I'm a legislator, I'm exempt..." Enough said.

Athol? I guess you can't escape your origins.

Idaho, tax cheats, grifters, Republicans... One can only assume that Representative Hart goes about fully armed.

R-Athol? Someone has a lisp!

Wait... wait... isn't this something like the conservatives who fight to preserve the sanctity of marriage while on their third or fourth wives?

Speaking of people who are above the law:


A little exposition on how the Bailed Out are drowning in champagne . . .

There are all sorts of examples of legislators making laws...to be enforced on someone else.

Oregon Electric Co-operatives (state sanctioned monopolies) not only can appoint their own boards of directors (elections don't matter) they write their own bylaws...To be enforced on the members/stockholders who don't have any say on the matter.

In a brazen twist Wasco Electric Co-operative wrote their own bylaws only to turn around ignore them. While we (the stockholders) cannot contest elections that are not fair and impartial (the law does not allow that) we can enforce the bylaws.

Even there the Co-operative have a huge advantage because they can use [virtually unlimited] ratepayer money to pay lawyers defend their practices even if they are judged to be illegal!

For more information check out http://www.reformwascoelectric.com

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