
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 29, 2010 9:27 AM. The previous post in this blog was University of Washington alum propels his team to NBA Finals. The next post in this blog is Call it the start of the summer. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

What Schrunk won't prosecute

Proposed Multnomah County budget cuts have caused District Attorney Mike Schrunk to issue a list of misdemeanors that he may not prosecute if his staffing is reduced. Among them: "Any Portland City Code offense."

Good times.

Comments (19)

Misdemeanor Intake (B): with the below exceptions, the po-po don't catch/arrest the majority who perpetrate these crimes, so big deal.

But to say you will no longer prosecture "Attempt to Elude" and "Resisting Arrest"? That is a real slap in the face of law enforcement: you might as well put a sign on each patrol car that says "IF YOU RUN, I WON'T CHASE YOU; IF YOUR CAUGHT, THEY WON'T PROSECUTE YOU." The Chief should tell Schrunk the PPB will charge all these crimes as felonies in the future.

No problem. Most of those can be resolved through police shooting.

Allan L: you owe me a new keyboard. Excuse me while I continue laughing.

Cool. That means I can use my tear gas weapons and stun guns without any fear of prosecution.

Good times!

A little reminder that Sam & the other irresponsibles on the city council gave the money to developers. Their scheme is taking well over $50 million in PAID property tax money to spend as their private slush fund on a scheme called urban renewal.

Here is where the urban renewal dollars really come from (ONE year!):

City of Portland services........$20.6 million
Multnomah County services....$13.8 million
Portland School District.........$11.4 million
others.................................$5.4 million
Total of all TIF....................$51.2

From: http://www.portlandfacts.com/ur/priceofur.htm


He could save some money by not prosecuting PPB officers for beating and shooting people . . . oh . . . right . . . he's already been saving money that way for years now.

"No problem. Most of those can be resolved through police shooting."

Or other idiots with a CHL.

My bet, with everyone knowing how stupid Witter behaved, the next urban cowboy will not stick around for the police interview after they "shoot out the bad guy's tires".

Go by streetcar. Get your own handgun. Shoot, run and hide.

JK ... Actually, the Portland School District isn't out much of anything. Because of the equalization school funding system we use, almost all of the $11.4M comes out of the pockets of the other 196 Oregon school districts.

Schools receive funding based on their student populations (ADMw, or weighted average daily membership (student count)). The overall pot of money is divided among the state's school districts on this basis. What PPS would lose because of urban renewal, they gain back in increased payments from the SSF (State School Fund).

rural resident: JK ... Actually, the Portland School District isn't out much of anything. Because of the equalization school funding system we use, almost all of the $11.4M comes out of the pockets of the other 196 Oregon school districts.
JK: I guess you are saying that is OK to take money from school children to finance Portland's millionaire condo bunkers as long as the money comes from kids in other Oregon schools.

There is still the rest of the money:

City of Portland services........$20.6 million
Multnomah County services....$13.8 million
others.................................$5.4 million

What do you have to say about the other $40 million taken from basic services to finance the millionaire condo bunkers?

BTW, here is the quote from the PDC source document:
Amount Generated in FY05/06 from each Taxing District?s Levy that is Allocated for Urban Renewal


Hooo boy am I happy to be back in Austin, as big and screwed up as it is getting nonetheless.

I suppose missing out on all the exciting fun n' danger that will ensue should this become reality will be a drag, but due to the wonder of the internets, I can watch from a distance. My friends who drive cabs there will no doubt be breathlessly relating one horrific story after the next as the legions of scumbags and vagrants your fair city draws like a magnet become more and more brazen in an atmosphere of total lack of law enforcement.

Bet even the few people I know who miraculously managed to hang on to their liberal idealism in the field over the years are lining up for concealed carry permits in record time. Eh, the more sensible ones have been equipped with the proper tools of the trade for some time, and are hardened enough to defend their lives by now anyway.

Should make for some really exciting times up there in Doomtown. Heck, maybe I should head back there at some point...

On the other hand, hurricane season approacheth. We're a few hours inland, but still, those really big storms are quite dramatic even by the time they drift on out here. Should be quite the spectacle, oil raining down from the heavens and utterly filthifying the whole Gulf Coast for decades.

"It's the end of the world as we know it..."

All would be resolved if a city that wanted to create a URA would be forced to eat the entire tax abatement themselves. So these condo bunkers and such would basically be exempt from city tax, but would still have to pay all of the other taxes - county, Port, TriMet, soil & water, schools, etc.

Maybe we'd see the rest of Portland (i.e. you folks east of 60th Avenue) speak up about how you were promised everything when annexed into the city but the city lied up and down and failed to deliver. And VOTE (these fools out of office)!!!

Among them: "Any Portland City Code offense."

Who do you suppose was behind putting this on that list?

Does this apply only to citizenry not adhering to codes or to Council as well?

Codes and no teeth?

I hope all these millions that officials have taken from basic services will come back to bite them, unfortunately, it will only come back to bite the people.

No enforcement of codes may become so glaringly obvious that the people can no longer avoid politics and be apathetic.

Erik H. - Maybe we'd see the rest of Portland (i.e. you folks east of 60th Avenue) speak up about how you were promised everything when annexed into the city but the city lied up and down and failed to deliver. And VOTE (these fools out of office)!!!

Did the recall groups ever make a large effort to collect signatures from that group?

Erik H. - So these condo bunkers and such would basically be exempt from city tax, but would still have to pay all of the other taxes - county, Port, TriMet, soil & water, schools, etc.

Wonder how those condos in the Pearl would do without the 10 year tax abatement?

No enforcement of codes? You mean no more lawn mower police? Oh, the humanity!

I'm sure any of Randy's selective codes will be enforced with his Code Police. But the rest of us will get a new Twitter-For-Code-Enforcement with no response.

Maybe instead of Mayor Creepy we should call him Mayor Twitter. Or how about McTwitter?

It is not like they have been enforcing misdemeanors anyway. I see weekly car prowls, tagging etc in my neighborhood. Heck, I was burglarized in Irvington and the police just had me call it in over the phone. The officer told me the chance of catching the perpetrator was zilch. Ever notice how much heroin is sold in the park at the Lloyd center max stop? Not like that is much of a mystery.

From what I've heard from a lawyer friend who does domestic relations work, the DA's office might as well not prosecute non-support cases since the prosecutors come to court unprepared and blow it anyway.

Anyone else irritated by Schrunk's posturing on the budget? Classic Washington Monument strategy. The guy is actually getting three more DA's (due to grant funding) and he's freaking out over relatively minor cuts, threatening to inflict more quality of life crimes on the populace (through reduced deterrence). Sorry, buddy, I don't buy it. Do your job, or get the hell out of the way.

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