
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 20, 2010 9:36 AM. The previous post in this blog was Were so gallantly streaming. The next post in this blog is In Portland, the scams never stop. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Straight outta the Fifties

Gender-wise, local government in Portland has returned to the state it always seeks. The City Council is 4-to-1 male, and the Multnomah County commission is 4-to-1 female. The boys play with the toys and have all the money; the girls take care of the sick and the lame with hardly a pot to piss in. How progressive!

Comments (8)

Let's not forget that Jeff Cogen as County Chair is the big rooster in the hen house.

The unanswered question is...will the County Commission return to the "Mean Girls" era?

Dan avoided a runoff (against me) by 5000 votes and 11% of Portland voters did not turn their ballot over to vote on City Council races.

Yet, Dan and Council are raising our sewer and water rates(Dan is fighting for higher increases). Voter apathy wins again.

And by the media coverage, you'd think Jesse won 2nd place. I spent only 10K cash- rest was in kind computer work. But Jesse gets paragraphs and I get a half a sentence. I guess as a woman, I SHOULD know my place.

I voted for you, Mary. Please keep your chin up and run again. Most candidates around here don't win on the first try.

"I guess as a woman, I SHOULD know my place."

Randy or Sam's seat on city council.

The County would have more money if it would slap the hands of the City boys reaching into the URA/TIF cookie jar more often. Ted Wheeler belatedly started to, but now with the whole inbred Cogen-Kafoury-Saltzman cabal now firmly entrenched in local government again, I'm not holding my breath. Not only will they not slap the grabby hands, they'll actually pull down the cookie jar from the shelf to make it easier to reach in.

Oh well. Who needs jails and bridges and school health clinics and nurse home visitors when we can have streetcars! And a Major League Soccer stadium! And condos for wealthy retirees!

will the County Commission return to the "Mean Girls" era?

I doubt they'll be able to top the City Council for juvenile behavior.

Will the County Commission return to the "Mean Girls" era?

Diane Linn deserved everything she got - don't forget, she was the origin of the Mean Girls - Linn acted like a 50's era patriarchal white guy, running things like a Soviet dictator. Except for Lonnie Roberts, who occasionally was roused from his sleep, the rest of the County Board thought they should have knowledge and input into the County's affairs. They just happened to be three women.

And, I worked at Multnomah County back then, so personally experienced the keep low and out of the line of sight atmosphere at that time.

Linn acted like a 50's era patriarchal white guy, running things like a Soviet dictator.

Soviet dictators had much more skill running their propaganda machines than what Linn exhibited. Remember the "Rope of Reason" campaign brochure she tried to use against Ted Wheeler? (Sorry, can't find the link on this blog.) And how about this?

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