
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 18, 2010 9:57 PM. The previous post in this blog was Change? We don't believe in it.. The next post in this blog is Time to kill off "voter-owned elections" in Portland. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Process of elimination, cont'd

Although we're not too pleased with the outcome of today's primary election, at least we're happy with the elimination of some folks from contention in some races. Bicycle clown Rex Burkholder came in last in all three counties in the Metro president race -- that slows down the financial collapse of the region by a year or two right there. With any luck we have heard the last from the pulpit of the Reverend Chuck Currie, erstwhile candidate to join his hero The Other Kafoury on the Multnomah County commission. And Portland taxpayers won't be paying another 200 grand for another round of "act like you're employable" from Jesse Cornett.

In these times, you have to count your blessings.

Comments (8)

By my calculations, Jesse Cornett spent $150,000 to get 4,536 votes. He spent $33 per vote. Not so hot. Seemed like a nice guy, and I think he would make a decent council-member, but, woah, he got some bad advice (cough, cough, Kari, cough, cough). I mean, don't you have to get 5,000 signatures to get the $150,000? And he didn't get 100% of those people to vote for him? Yeesh.

"act like you're employable" from Jesse Cornett."

I heard that for his (ok, our!) $150 grand, he got the same number of votes as another no-name clown that spent zero dollars. Whatever.

I still think his picture is identical to that of Kari BlueOregon.

So...is Rex going to blame that idiotic ad, is he going to blame his staff, or is he going to go completely insane and blame the voters for not being foresighted enough to appreciate his vision? (My bet's on Number Three.)

According to the big "O" in the morning rag when----

Asked what he plans to change, he said: "You'll see the same person you've seen in the past."

Oh be still my beating heart!

Saltzman's reply that is

Portland city is hopeless. If you're an incumbent, you pretty much got the job until you get tired of the job and voluntarily leave. You can lie and hire private detectives like Dick Nixon, as Adams did against Sho, and still be allowed to stay in office. You can bully citizens around like Randy Leonard, and you can vote monies to your girl friend's organization; and still win re-election by more than a majority and not have to face a Fall run off. And once more, you get to pay for some lefty's pathetic run for office.

My motto: If you can't join them, leave'm!

The majority has spoken. Unfortunately as the rest of the nation is throwing out incumbents or booting the status quo, aka Arlen Specter and Ted Grayson; we in Portland keep electing the same old hacks or incestuous insiders. How long will it take before the electorate wakes up here? Will they get it when sewer and water rates double? Will they get it the last business moves out of Portland? Will they get it pension and fringe benefits out strip revenues? Will they get it when the city’s debt burden approaches the ability to pay it back? Will they get it when new fees and taxes are levied above the ability to pay?

John Benton,
You asked . . "Will they get it the last business moves out of Portland?" . . .

Unfortunately, they may not even "get it" when they may have to move out of here. . when the bill to be paid is out of the question for many. These leaders need to stop this debt game.

I too was hoping that across the country the movement afoot to throw out incumbents would happen and that for once it might even help the stranglehold we have had on our local political scene.

So sad, as I have stated before to lose the quality of life we had in our "City of Roses" to the destruction we have witnessed in the "City That Works".

Things don't look so rosy today except for those who wear rose colored glasses and then for those who have benefited from the city working us over.

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