
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 18, 2010 9:20 PM. The previous post in this blog was Griffith-Kremer very close. The next post in this blog is Moderates don't win primaries. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Portland voters: We don't care / love drama

It appears that we have four more years of nothing under city commissioner Dan Saltzman to look forward to. Congratulations to the West Hills money and Willamette Week. No doubt they're thrilled.

What's it going to take for Portland voters to grasp the weakness of its current "leadership"? I shudder to think.

Comments (13)

The electorate in the city of Portland and the State of Oregon deserve everyone who was re-elected tonight except people like State Treasurer Ted Wheeler and former Tigard Mayor Tom Hughes. Unfortunately, Tom Hughes is in a
run-off with Bob Stacey for Metro President. Hopefully, everyone will get behind Tom Hughes and make sure he becomes the next Metro President over Mr. Stacey. Likewise, I predict Mr. Wheeler will go onto bigger and better things after a term as our State Treasurer. I know the kid (Mr. Wheeler) has a bright future either in the public sector or the private sector !!

Portland needs reps by districts on the council. Call'em what ever you want Commissioners, council people but get rid of the damn at large crap.

Want more drama?
My response:

Saltzman.....wow. I think people really do just vote for a familiar name...

What's the figure?
90% of incumbents win, and why is that?
Because people recognize the name, its that simple.
We are talking about a very ignorant population in this great land of ours.
I bet ya Sam Adams could even win re-election in Portland.

Thanks to all on this blog for the votes, or not.

The ideas, anger and impressions made me stronger, because conflict is the teacher.

I'm pretty happy going against an incumbent with lots of cash. But, it's just a race.

I worked hard. I know my stuff, I talked with so many people with ideas and who care.

I am a lucky girl.

It's scary that Saltzman wins, he got more votes than all the combined votes cast for the motley crew that ran against him.

Sorry statement about the voters and the candidates. In the end, I could not fill in the oval for Jesse, so I voted for Mary.

And what I learned is that, because my 21 year old and I are independents, we could not cast votes for Wheeler or the Kitz. Only our paterfamilias, a registered Democrat, could.

What is this, Zimbabwe? Independents get cut out out of voting because they're...INDEPENDENT???

And I think it's unfair to vilify the Kitz. He worked the whole time with a Rebublican-controlled legislature. How could any Democrat get anything done?

For all those people who refused to flush the toilet, I hope you learn to like the smell of the same old crap.

Thank you for caring and for your efforts.

Guess things are just tied in way too tight for comfort for many in this city. For my tastes so tight as to be a choking feeling today, strangled almost with no out except to leave this sewer pit we have now by a dysfunctional Portland City Council. The Multnomah County clan is in as well as it just seems revolving doors run only by “insiders” who do not seem to care or have the public interest even on their radar screen, except to retrieve dollars from them. I suppose to give a point or two, I will add that all this may be out of their awareness, however, if they are blind to what is going on, then they are not qualified to be in their position. Some of us think though that they know exactly what they do against the citizens.

Mary came from the inside and yet was one who cared and understood the severity of the direction our city was going and had the courage to make the run. Take care Mary, relax and take a breather. Hope you will continue to communicate. To have the respect of many from this critical group counts for something. Just wish it had counted to put you in a council seat.

Ralph Woods,

I know it is hard to take this, doesn't feel very good today except for those who still "run the agenda" and benefit from it.

Take care.

Anyone want to buy my house? My wife and I decided to leave Portland and Multnomah County this morning after the Saltzman win. The more I understand how blind these voters are, it scares me. That, and the KATU report on the Holgate bike lanes....Wow. Just wow.

And if you think Adams won't be reelected, you've got another thing coming...this is Porltand.

I so understand your decision. It may be painful to leave when one's family or friends are here and one's life has been here. However, for some now with this latest message from the community and further realization, it may actually be more painful to remain living in a city with such abuse and the lack of response from the citizenry as a whole.

Those running the agenda have to know that many want to and some may have to leave that can no longer afford this. What then is the end game here? Only a place for the rich? Only a place for the subsidized poor living in tiny units? There must be a plan here as the city policies are pushing some good business and good citizens out.

Speaking of plans, another community-planning workshop series, Phase II in Portland; this recent one was for objectives for the year 2035!

A survey, let them know what you think!

How about a viable plan for today for the people who live here now? Council prefers to have us focus on plans and more plans for someday rather than address what needs to be done for us now with the economic difficulties. We are to look forward to the 2035 vision. We do not need to focus then on their lack of leadership or lack of financial accountability.

how about quit electing the same pathetic do nothing democrats who have done nothing about private sector jobs folks?

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