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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Beginning of the end for Newsweek?

Depending on who, if anybody, is interested in running it, its days as a serious media institution could be numbered.

Comments (9)

Jack Shafer at Slate made a very interesting observation that has a darker intimation. Specifically, he noted that the magazine could be sold for a pittance, because the cost of just shutting it down would run up to $50 million in refunds to longtime subscribers. I get the distinct feeling that the real reason it's being sold is so that someone else becomes the bad guy when it finally craters and those lifetime subscribers ask for their money back.

It'd be interesting to see a demographic profile on the people who'd miss it. Excluding people waiting in doctors offices.

Coming after your sNoozeweek item, this one reminded me of a Time story that's worth sharing --


I used to enjoy the in depth news and commentary of Newsweek. but over the last few years it has become very opinionated, snide and left wing liberal. They now carry very few news story's, mostly just their slant and opinion of the news. Several months ago I decided to not renew.

I love Newsweek. The previous commenter doesn't understand why and how it has changed. "News" is no longer the purpose of weekly news magazines, given the web's ability to convey almost instant information on what's happening.

What Newsweek provides is analysis, commentary, a step back from the flood of raw information.

The articles are excellent, and not at all slanted in one political direction. Those who think otherwise are mistaking intelligent analysis for progressivism (a common mistake, given the craziness of most right wing'ers these days.)

I agree with dman, not so much with Brian. I really enjoyed reading newsweek in high school and college (yes, 15-20 years ago), but the last 4-5 years they have seemed so mean-spirited and bordering on an intellectual superior attitude. I will shed no tears when they fall....

Don't be surprised if Rupert Murdoch buys Newsweek. He can turn a generally respected publication that slants slightly to the left into another element of the far-right wing media echo machine.

On the matter of long-term subscription obligations, I remember when LIFE magazine went belly-up the first time in the early 70s - My Grandmother failed to return a negative-checkoff letter, and found her long subscription transubstantiated into several Time, Inc. books, mostly campaign bios of losing politicians. I suspect the rules have been tightened since then.

Jack: Have no clue what the powers that be were thinking on the re-design of the magazine. It was "pulp suicide". It is horrible. Not only is the news OLD, but the boring format is a total yawn. Business Week which was my favorite magazine (just had a re-do) and it is terrible also. Tough time for magazines and newspapers. I really hope newspapers hold on because I really enjoy them ......but it is my old age! Keep up the great work Jack.

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