
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 22, 2010 3:35 PM. The previous post in this blog was Headlining the "green" puppet show. The next post in this blog is Where Gatbsy's fortune comes from. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Portland dumps park bond measure

An alert reader sends along this notice to employees from Fish and Zsa Zsa about the City of Portland parks.

Comments (4)

Such amateurs! They don't need a bond, they just need to tap the BES and PWB cash cows like Sam and Randy and Dan. They can point out that many parks have bathrooms or at least water fountains, and therefore water and sewer pipes running through them. It's not any more of a stretch than paying for bike paths with sewer "savings".

Interesting - Eric's right, look for more fee increase since they can't get money honestly from taxpayers.

Was it The Scone that made them spend the last one on things other than what it was authorized for?

It was a much different parks department when Charles Jordan ran it and the Maintenance bond passed with 70%, Parks clearly sent the message it is the developers landscaping division, and destroyed anyone who tired to help keep Portland parks and the money entrusted for maintenance for the good of the common and for the people of Portland. It is ironic they used the maintenance facility as the ruse yet again, for their bait and switch game.

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