
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 7, 2010 1:05 PM. The previous post in this blog was Comcast puts the X in Xfinity. The next post in this blog is Portland falling even further behind in bikey-ness. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Never eat a banana again

The Green Police will be watching.

Comments (13)

Bananas or almost anything else in any market any place!
I'm all for local food but people have to eat and poor people have far fewer choices about what they eat than some of us do.
If you really want to reduce carbon emissions, don't reproduce! Kids pollute!
How's that for an ecological slogan?

Is this author being paid by city? If so, how much? A day after the big "we-gotta-talk" memo from Father Sam?

It thought Portland adheres to the separation of Church and State. Having my tax dollars go to the Green Religion has got to stop.

Why haven't the citizens of Portland voiced this concern about the Green Religion. If you believe in it, just live it, but don't use our tax dollars that are in short supply to preach. I'm beginning to believe that over 30% of our tax dollars are being spent on PR.

And now we understand why Sam Adams is so big on fiscal austerity right now: it's all tied to a hiring freeze. We can't expect someone to force out Sam's handpicked goofballs and hire someone who does more than plan idiotic events such as this, now can we?

enough is enough- lw is correct-
"If you believe in it, just live it, but don't use our tax dollars that are in short supply to preach. I'm beginning to believe that over 30% of our tax dollars are being spent on PR."
I dont think I would even call this stuff PR...more like BS. I am all for buying local etc also, but I am not going to tell everyone how to live.

"...our food system is likely responsible for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions."

Man, I know my food system definitely makes a contribution to the gas emissions. 'Specially when I forget to take my Beano!

Bananas are local produce. You can find a bunch of six sitting at the City Council table every Wednesday and Thursday.

Ha! Garage Wine can't count.

I was including the Auditor, who sits stage left of the main stage ...

Yeah! and those bananas are rotten too!
Good one GW!

Don't forget the Bureau of Plantains!

I was disappointed that there aren't included in that post some of the talk-points, maybe, of this so-called 'step up to the plate' agenda. It will be interesting to find out if my concerns are justified in that this appears as yet another encroachment upon civil liberties by the Church of Green.

The way the corporations are farming livestock is abhorrent. Seriously, out behind the woodshed kind of abhorrent. I get the feeling though that Church of Green clergy like Lappe aren't interested in simply cleaning that up by supporting independent producers. Instead I'm left worried that she intends to meddle in my business in order to address HER concerns.

I haven't showered in months and Noah was a pup the last time I did laundry. Mark me down for the second event on Sunday at the PDX building come 2:00 p.m. I love exposing 'tolerant' liberals to moi and my funk. It's icing on the hemp-seed-cookie to heckle them the whole time I'm there.

We have a department of Food Policy and Programs???

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