
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 2, 2010 11:23 AM. The previous post in this blog was Election porn getting steamier. The next post in this blog is How could I have missed this joke?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, April 2, 2010

Kroger's gone hunting

And his next trophy is almost ready for the taxidermist.

Comments (7)

Low hanging fruit.

Go for it. Use of "Diploma Mill" documents as certification of educational accomplishments is d*****-baggery of the 1st degree.

I must have missed the Kroger press release where he indicted Sam Adams for Adams' admitted lies the the mayoral campaign in 2008.

If Portland's mayor had stated in the voter's pamphlet, "I did not have sexual relations with that man ... Mr. Breedlove" then maybe the Attorney General's investigation would have gone a bit further.

Even then, maybe not.

Does anyone know the real story behind what's going on in West Linn?

On Wednesday, I went to Kroger's town hall meeting on problems with Oregon's public records law, and several people from West Linn talked about city hall charging $9 per page for copies of public documents, and asking for a $700-plus deposit just to view public records.

So, is the official that Kroger's going after part of the problem, or is she being targeted for trying to clean up city hall?

A diploma mill ballot claim gets prosecuted by the State A.G. but playing tickle-your-tonsils with a minor in City Hall and wrapping yourself in the Rainbow Flag and shouting HOMOPHOBE from the rooftops while you slander a political adversary gets a pass. Really?

Is Kroger corrupt or just inept? If you gave me a $20,000 budget and subpoenas for Sammy's personal bank accounts and computers, I am confident the mayor would be willing to step down in order to avoid a lengthy and expensive criminal trial.

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