
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 7, 2010 3:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was One would certainly hope so. The next post in this blog is You are what you elect. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Have you heard about WikiLeaks yet?

If not, you will soon.

Comments (6)

What are we doing in Iraq, again? Serious, question. I don't know anymore.

If only those guys on the ground had followed instructions the choppers wouldn't have had to shoot them.

Interesting. My brother (who did two tours in Iraq) said its hard to tell who is a civilian over there. Especially when they are shooting at you.

Wikileaks is a refreshing change. Much better than the corporate media turds we have now, spoon-feeding us what they think we should see and hear.

There is another site like Wikileaks called Cryptome, who has been hassled lately over similar "leak" issues.

My brother (who did two tours in Iraq) said its hard to tell who is a civilian over there. Especially when they are shooting at you.

Or, say, picking up someone bleeding on the sidewalk and trying to carry to their van. What civilian would do such a thing?

What a mess.

This is horrors of war stuff. It's hard to tell in the video what those guys on the ground were doing. Despite their on-video bravado, it must have been a tough moment for the pilots of the Apache when they realized they just wasted two kids and a western-allied camera crew.

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