
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 24, 2010 2:24 PM. The previous post in this blog was Bitter-Tweet. The next post in this blog is What if this happened in Portland?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Your tax dollars at work, cont'd

Here's an example of government at its finest: One Portland bureau has a p.r. flack whose job includes drafting up a statement informing the world that it supports the work of another city bureau. Then that other city bureau's p.r. flack gets paid to post a page on the internet thanking the first city bureau for its support.

When we read about the impending municipal bankruptcy, and people are moaning "How could this have happened?" some of us will know the answer.

Comments (12)

Gee, time to call the auditor's waste and fraud hotline.

Hmmm...the search for the appropriate term to describe this practice. "Logrolling" is a bit obsolete, and "circle jerk" is a bit tacky. What to do?

I'd love to see a press release in which one city bureau doesn't support another:

Office of Management and Finance says Sunday Parkways are a waste of money. One of the bureau's many planners, Penny Pincher, notes, "With a backlog of unpaved roads, cops shooting kooks with box cutters, and a bond rating worse than Portugal's, OFM proudly declares Sunday Parkways to be a monumental waste."

I'd call it Flack Humping.

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

And if it is the same PR flack doing all the writing, he or she would be a sock-puppet.

Hey, how do you think the PWB blog person gets any posts besides from co-workers?

It's COP circle jerk.

C'mon, Jack, it's just one less PDX journalist out of work.

The old Chicago Post office building, which I think is the largest in the world and located in the south Loop, was auctioned off for $20.8 million, after the same bidder walked away from his earlier $45 million bid.


This is of course old hat.

Long ago these many government agencies discovered they could self report on their performance and get fellow agencies to assist.

You want to know what kind of job any of them are doing?

Got to their web site and they'll tell you.

And elected officials, who once upon a time long ago used to provide oversight, are just giddy to take their reports as gospel and applaud their performance. Especially when they cooperate with their agenda.

Between and among sister agencies? How about internest, internesting?

Uh, Ben, you've got it backwards - it's often the elected officials telling the staff what to put in the reports - how do you think the Mayor found all that money to throw at bicycles from BES? He told the finance folks what to put in their report.

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