Time to turn off the meter

We've been giving Oregon State Treasurer Ben Westlund a hard time about all the press releases he issues. But our running contest between him and state Attorney General John Kroger for most press missives released has ended, because Westlund succumbed to cancer this morning. Word had been circulating for several weeks that he was a goner.
I've always liked him. I even quit the Democratic Party so that I could sign a petition when he was running as an independent for governor. He really was an independent. When he rolled into the state treasurer's gig a year ago and change, it seemed like a classic case of a legislator who wanted to get paid a better wage for working in Salem. But it was comforting to know that there was an honest guy sitting atop the state's shaky financial accounts.
Westlund's last press release was issued on Friday. It reminded schoolchildren of an upcoming deadline for a scholarship contest. It was his 16th press release of the year.
Our condolences go out to his family and to the many other folks who will sorely miss him.
Comments (6)
I know it's cliche, but Westlund truly was one of the last of dying breed. He was bipartisan to the point of being nonpartisan. He will be missed.
Posted by Garage Wine | March 7, 2010 7:02 PM
Back in the late 90s, Ben was running his first election campaign for State Rep, while I was running my campaign for Madras mayor. At the time, the district he was attempting to win had Madras within the boundaries, so he and I found ourselves together many times at candidate forums. I found him to be a truly wonderful guy. After he won, he would call me occasionally to bring himself more up to speed about economic development, since I worked in the economic department of the local council of governments. We would always embrace when we found each other in the same room throughout the years, even though I quite politics after my first term.
I shall miss my friend.
Posted by Gr8fulted | March 7, 2010 10:06 PM
I bailed on the Democratic Party for good, thanks to him.
Peace out.
Posted by godfry | March 8, 2010 12:01 AM
I hope this doesn't mean you won't keep us apprised of the number of press releases John Kroger puts out this year.
Posted by none | March 8, 2010 7:09 AM
My condolences to Ben's family. While we often disagreed on policy issues, Ben was never disagreeable. We had a number of pleasant conversations over the years. If more politicians of all stripes would be more like Ben, this would be a better state.
Posted by Steve Buckstein | March 8, 2010 9:10 AM
Did anyone else see the irony in Kroger issuing a press release yesterday about Ben Weslund's passing away?
Posted by Avalyn | March 10, 2010 9:53 AM