The ultimate in consultant pork

When it comes to throwing money at consultants, Portland takes the cake. Now it's even going to farm out writing its own tax rules. Here's a new request for proposals on a so-far-open-ended contract to create the new system of "transportation system development charges" on the hapless fools who build buildings in the SoWhat district and vicinity:
The expansion of lightrail and the streetcar requires significant funding. On June 17, 2009 the City Council adopted resolution 36709 (attached as Exhibit E), which directed the Bureau of Transportation to pursue the final funding plan for the City’s contribution to the Portland to Milwaukie Lightrail project. Exhibit A of the resolution proposed a TSDC overlay or Local Improvement District (LID) for the South Central City/University District/Science and Technology Triangle (see attached map, Exhibit F). Opportunities for additional TSDC Overlays may be favored by property owners over LIDs or other fees because of the deferment of the assessment until development of the property....Good heaven, don't they have in-house people in the bloated planning bureaucracy, the Portland Development Commission, or Revenue Sue's bailiwick to do this kind of work? Or maybe the better question is, which "friends and family" member is this one set aside for?The City of Portland, Bureau of Transportation is seeking proposals from individuals, firms, teams or consultants, hereafter called “Proposer(s),” with demonstrated experience in the creation of system development charge programs, financial and economic analyses, transportation modeling and traffic analysis, and public coalition building/outreach abilities.
The Bureau of Transportation proposes to engage the successful Proposer for the following services:
1) develop the boundaries of one or more potential TSDC overlay district(s);
2) develop a TSDC overlay project list for potential district(s);
3) create a new rate study, and make recommendations to the Portland Bureau of Transportation on potential TSDC overlay districts.With the updated project list(s), the City would like to target future TSDC funds to: 1) maximize the use of TSDC overlay revenue as leverage; and 2) obtain the most beneficial transportation infrastructure improvements needed within the potential district(s).
Comments (4)
Remember, it's not "The City That Works" (nice self-righteous motto, eh?), it's "The City That Meets." If they actually did any work, they'd have to answer for it. Far, far too risky. Better to pay somebody else to do it. That way, you can blame him for any problems that may arise.
Posted by dg | March 17, 2010 2:10 PM
It's been such a devastating day for the resident taxpayers of this city that perhaps we need to take some cheer -- however short-lived -- from the news that "Mr Hansen, he (nearly) gone":
Of course, he may move on to the lucrative consulting trade.
Okay, that's enough cheer. In addition to the $20mill theft today from our sewage payments, the CoP is wantonly hiking trash/recycling rates substantially:
Posted by Gardiner Menefree | March 17, 2010 6:34 PM
I was thinking on my drive home today about how terribly wrong this city has gone. The other day a friend from elsewhere reminded me how much I once loved Portland and she's been kind of surprised by what I've been saying lately.
And I realized, we come here (and other places) and complain; but that doesn't fix anything. And not enough other people actually know or care about this blog for it to be a catalyst.
So what then are the options? We know that the recall option against the tramwhore will fail, so forget that. But what about social networking? Could it be used to galvanize and wake up enough of the taxpayers/voters of this city to get the SOBs out of office and put some responsible grown-up public servants in place? I mean a couple of clowns on Facebook got Betty White a gig on SNL, so why not a "Take back the City of Roses" movement on Facebook? Just saying.
Posted by LucsAdvo | March 17, 2010 6:45 PM
Wonder how many retired city bureaucrats (those with body maps) need some hush money (consultancy work) splashed their way?
Posted by Abe | March 17, 2010 7:52 PM