
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 23, 2010 4:20 PM. The previous post in this blog was Portland taxpayers about to *way* overpay for Main Post Office. The next post in this blog is Portland "clean money" goes to work -- in California. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The American Dream, Portland style

A nice home, and a nice car.

Comments (22)

Am I the only one who thought of those prefab housing units from the film Brazil when looking at this? Out in Iowa, some ReadyMade staffer is masturbating like a caged ape about how this proves that Portland is on the cutting edge of architecture.

A dignity village condo.

What I thought hilarious was the seriousness of the speakers on the human powered car thing. Drink more Kool-Aid.

I could live in one of those but where is the bathroom?

Don't worry about the bathroom, Portland is supplying those for everyone..

The car actually looks fun to play around in but I wouldn't want to commute to work or go grocery shopping like they suggest.

The car is a cool idea, but dang...by the time you get anywhere you would be too tired to do anything.

can't we just use old shipping containers?
That's lots more sustainable as they are already built.... only have to cut windows and doors....just kidding folks

Wow, how genius these prefab homes! You can buy similar units cheaper at HomeDepot and with a pitched roof with overhangs which makes more sense in the NW. But these are so architectural with their flat roofs.

I agree with you Lee!! Didn't we have a discussion about HomeDepot houses last week? But, hey, these GreenBoxes cost between $75 and $125 per sqft, which fits my green but oh so upscale image.

How could I show up at any First Thursday art fest if people knew I lived in some trailer trash Home Depot box... totally bush league.

But an upscale GreenBox, so urban-hipster-trendy-pinot-gris-and-brie, I am so there. GreenBox, so Epic-Enviro!

Darrin said
"The car actually looks fun to play around in but I wouldn't want to commute to work or go grocery shopping like they suggest."

Are you talking about WES?

I gave up peddle cars and cardboard forts when I was 6.....

Did anybody think to ask the retired French History professor how he hauls a kayak on his human powered vehicle?

Another option is to go to Coastal Farm and Ranch and order an equine loafing shed for a fraction of the cost. Similar in size and configuration, even a basic handyman could put together a reasonable facsimile to the Greenbox for pennies on the dollar.

Didn't Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble use cars like that?

dm; FEd and Barney used their feet, remember...but yea I thought the same thing; Fred Flintstone!
Also how does one carry the groceries home in that thing?
As for the box, I noticed it was INSIDE a warehouse, and just where is the bathroom or the kitchen or any plumbing and electrical?
Great for African villages or Haitian refugees though, right?

That's a sweet four-person manual vehicle. But if you're in a hurry, or don't have three other people handy, they should design a more convenient version for just one person.

It could have two wheels, and pedals, and a seat, and handlebars...

Uh, wait a minute....

Snards - too funny.

But on a serious note, Jack do your magic and make sure fireman Randy can't access your blog until well after this posting passes into the archives (and then delete it). I shutter to think what his mind will do when he gets a look at these two bad ideas.

There's a McMansion version of this at SE 16th and ash.

If I hear one more green developer tag line of "Live, Work, Play," I think I will "Kill, Kill, Die."

I saw a 10 man "human car" in Amsterdam. It was filled with singing drunks celebrating a futbol win. They lost control turning left onto a canal bridge and hit the railing. Quite funny!

There's a model green home downtown on SW 18th & Salmon that they invite people to visit. It looks like the largest alternative, probably with all the "extras" that add to the initial cost (see details on site).

Although the floorplans don't show a lavatory, kitchen or any sinks, the designer says, "Plumbing, electrical, or HVAC can be provided to meet any homeowner’s expectations." Sounds like these necessities are also extra and not included in the base price.

My expectations of a primary residence (and, I thought, the city's as well) were to include plumbing and a functioning toilet tied into the sewer system (unless the thing is being sited outside an area with sewer service, and then an approved septic tank).

Although the price looks attractive, when you add the cost of the lot, the price of all of the "options" including plumbing, the installation cost, permits, etc. it's not as much of a bargain as it's cracked up to be.

The dude took 40 years to produce a chassis and four rowing machines hooked into it?

This one makes a lot more sense:

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