
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 24, 2010 8:03 PM. The previous post in this blog was What if this happened in Portland?. The next post in this blog is Spring break bloody spring break. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tell me about it

Once you launch a blog, you will face the relentless, mind-numbing, never-ending task of finding worthwhile material to publish. That burden begins on the day of your first post and ends only the day you call it quits.

Comments (7)

I feel your pain :-)

Thank you for your blog Jack.
It is good for citizens to communicate and to know that many of us have deep concerns about our city and your blog helps to get it out.

To paraphrase Mr. T: "I pity the poor fool who would try and out-blog you."

The folks at the City of Portland are working hard and sparing no expense to provide you a steady flow of material.

Hehe... Tell me about it. It makes me wonder how bloggers like the 'Snob come up with it day after day.

The thing I find weird is that a thing one month can capture my interest and I subsequently have plenty to blog. Another month later and it's, "Argh...not this again".

Per Allan L - don't forget PDC, Metro, the State of Oregon, the Universities,(especially their sports programs, though Dwight Jaynes probably has that covered), the Blazers . . Why, Jack, you've enough material to blog through the century!

"finding worthwhile material to publish"

Too tough for some IMO. That explains places like loadedorygun.

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