
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 3, 2010 11:08 AM. The previous post in this blog was Ring, ring goes the bell. The next post in this blog is Paulson already pouring concrete at PGE Park. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Something to like about health care reform

There'll likely be an excise tax on tanning parlors. Well deserved.

Comments (8)

I guess it's all well and cool to come after someone else. Who'll stand up for you Jack when they come after those elitist college professors that blog?

Of course if I'm still standing and not under Uncle Sam's boot, I too will say well deserved and then wait my turn.

What about those places that do spray-tanning treatments? Are they exempt? What is the rationale for going after tanning salons? What does any of this have to do with health care reform?

Tanning salons = Increased risk of skin cancer. Proven fact.

How about an excise tax on law schools? I'm sure we could find all sorts of social ills created there.

How about a 33% (or even greater) tax on money transfers to foreign countries by persons who cannot provide a legitimate SSN or a passport with a valid US visa? Tax the tans and cosmetic surgery, too.

Not fair to orange people!

How about, Tax Tattoo Parlors

I don't use tanning beds, so it really doesn't affect me. However, I don't smoke either and in both cases I hate this nanny government crap. Just another reason, another place to tax. Didn't it use to be that you were suppose to get something for the tax you paid? Gas tax, helped roads. Property taxes, you get police and fire. Tanning bed tax and you get ... oh, yeah, bloated wasteful government; sorry I didn't see the connection before.

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