Small Americano to go

"Soccer won't ever reach the height of baseball or [American] football and it probably won't be as popular as ice hockey," suggests Wangerin. "But it will find its place. One analogy I've read is that soccer will be more like a boutique coffee shop, rather than a massive supermarket."
Comments (9)
We're not so much gaining a soccer team, as we are losing a baseball team. We're also turning a perfectly good multi-use stadium into a single-purpose stadium. And we're backing the deal with the city general fund - the same general fund that is cutting police and fire services. Too bad you can't use water department revenue to build soccer stadiums. Or can you . . . ?
Posted by Frank | March 18, 2010 5:47 AM
No, of course not. It's a sewer project.
Posted by Jack Bog | March 18, 2010 5:57 AM
The thing I keep asking myself Jack, is how did Public Purpose get so twisted. Government has a real place in so many things that would make economies of scale work so well for the good of the People. It is all just so messed up, and you feel so powerless like you are standing in front of a freight train and your only options are to get off the tracks or be smashed. If you do try and change things in a positive way you are crushed and ridiculed.
I look at it and how in the world do we justify borrowing $12 million for some "boutique coffee shop" connected to the exclusive MAC club, when the interest alone would fund the playground programs we are cutting from the parks budget, the biggest bargain we have to combat the gang shootings that are just now revving up for summer, and make kids with no options have a safe place to play and build their self-esteem, and stay out of trouble. For that matter how many playground programs could you run for needy kids for the cost of maintenance alone on the developer landscaping project you dubbed Poodle Poop Park.
It is sick that we as a City are making these choices and short sheeting the next generation with not only the debt of these projects but the lack of opportunity to develop and play.
Posted by swimmer | March 18, 2010 7:58 AM
Jack I took your link to the Green street link and got hung up on "the infrastructure needed to calm traffic on quiet streets..."
I wrestled with that concept awhile, then thought it must have something to do with driving with your pants unbuttoned and then gently easy your fly down..
Posted by dman | March 18, 2010 8:31 AM
"It's not a sewer project"...yet.
Wait till they start messing around and Tanner Creek surfaces again in mid field.
BTW, every time I see a Sam picture, a living breathing sewer project just naturally comes to mind, and nose!
That man just stinks!
Posted by Portland Native | March 18, 2010 9:00 AM
Classic picture. The trucks, etc.. look exactly like toys in a rich baby's playpen.
Posted by Bill McDonald | March 18, 2010 10:08 AM
I'm pretty sure a "boutique coffee shop" will have more patronage and profit than PGE Park will after all is said and done.
After all, people actually *want* coffee.
Posted by MachineShedFred | March 18, 2010 2:18 PM
Nice view from the MAC club
Posted by Concordbridge | March 18, 2010 5:19 PM
BDS met yesterday to make a decision about the PGE Park designs. Do you have any news about the meeting?
Posted by Edward | March 19, 2010 3:24 PM