
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 1, 2010 1:00 PM. The previous post in this blog was How Clackamas County is different from Portland. The next post in this blog is The ultimate Ticketbastards. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Monday, March 1, 2010

Pushing it

The direct-mail come-ons to the OHSU health club in SoWhat just keep on a-rollin' in to our place:

Comments (14)

Big omission, should say:

YOUR fitness YOUR life YOUR wallet

Great news from South Waterfront: The woman in the ad is getting paid to do push-ups! The bio-tech jobs are here!

Nota pushup.

Look hard. Look at her knees.

Not a pushup.

I'm shocked! I'm shocked and disappointed I tell you.

I didn't think that OHSU would ever be deceptive. I mean they are OHSU.

Hmmm...what's that you say...Tram...? Ten thousand biotech jobs....? Block 33 and parking....?


Not a pushup.

Just another taxpayer on her knees before our local government.

Another month, another mailer. We got ours, too. I'm guessing they're bringing ten thousand jobs - to direct-mail printers and postal employees.

The model in the photo looks late 30 or early 40 something. Wonder what demographics they are pursuing. Perhaps they are targeting wives of successful doctors who are about to get dumped them for a newer model if they don’t shape up.

Sigh. How far Nia Vardalos has fallen since My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

Is the OHSU health club pay property taxes or is it in a building that is?

Why would I pay to do "girlie" push-ups on the cement floor of a large office building when I could do them for free on the carpet of my own living room? At the OHSU gym I'd probably also have to pay for parking.

Maybe OHSU's real target market is young men and women who are looking to meet single, available doctors and those hard to find biochemists. If so, they shouldn't have sent that same postcard to me. I'm just an aging, cheap and cynical baby boomer.

Does not appear to be any taxes paid at 3303 SW Bond Street

Imp Value $15,200,000.00 Exemption
Land Value $3,533,670.00 Tax/Area /709
Total Value $18,733,670.00 Tax Value $18,733,670.00
Tax Amount Improved 81%

This is the building that has ALL of the new family-wage jobs that Vera promised.

From the looks of her arms she never does any pushups.

Biotech jobs?

A pharmaceutical packaging plant is being built in Hillsboro.

Steve Clark declared that was biotech success.

OHSU Health Club Building never has paid any property taxes. When it was first owned by 400 doctors of OHSU it was exempted. Then when the building failed revenue projections for the doctors, OHSU bailed them out, and of course, they pay no property taxes. According to PDC staff any "private enterprise" in the building is to pay a proportional amount in property taxes. It doesn't seem like it does. That would be the cafe and the coffee stand in the building.

I thought his enterprise FAILED about a year ago. With so many health clubs currently offering "specials" in a very slow economy, why would anyone outside of OHSU want to go to such a hard to reach location?

Is that Rebecca Webb?

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