
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 22, 2010 1:42 PM. The previous post in this blog was Obama's Mission Accomplished moment. The next post in this blog is Poor Dan Saltzman. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Portland cops: "We can't threaten you with other people around"

It's hard to make a backroom deal in the front room.

Comments (4)

City negotiator Steve Herron made clear the city's position: "The city's interest is in transparency."

Only when it suits their interests!!!!

New shooting mid-afternoon at Hoyt Arboretum announced on the evening news. City is refusing to release any information other than that the shooter was a police officer and the victim is dead. Unconscionable for basic information to be withheld like that. Purpose is clearly to give them time to get their spin machine in full overdrive first. Hope ACLU sues them a new one, as the saying goes. The worse this whole innocent civilian shooting business gets the more despicable the City's tactics get.

Sign the recall!

The ACLU does not get involved in homicides by the Portland police.

...was meaning the improper withholding of information. Police bureau doesn't have any legitimate claim to "official secrets". Not that ANY government organization should, IMO.

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