
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 29, 2010 8:45 PM. The previous post in this blog was Look on the bright side, Portlanders. The next post in this blog is Linear equations. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Our challenge

Portland's gained some notoriety as an illustration of a locale that has child prostitution at truck stops. Maybe we can gain even better notoriety for doing something about it.

Comments (2)

And so WHY aren't the local and state cops on this and arresting these people for human trafficing?
Slavery is a real and present danger here in the USA, and in many other so called 'civilized' countries as well.

Re Portland's Reputation for Child Prostitution:

Back in the 70s and early '80s, dozens of boys would line up on the sidewalk outside the downtown Nordstrom's and wait for johns to pull up to the curb. Sometimes it was hard to get in the store. The whole thing was obvious, but nothing was done for years..I don't even know if the forces of order had a role in stopping the Nordstrom's trade, but eventually it went away...maybe the action moved to truck stops. My wife swears that she saw a local retail mogul, whom she worked for, stop at the Nordstrom's curb and arrange for a kid to get in his car. Maybe it was two kids. Later, he (the mogul) died of AIDS. By the way, all this was going on while Neil Goldschmidt was having his way with a 14-year old girl. And the beat goes on, by streetcar!!!

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