
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 2, 2010 4:19 PM. The previous post in this blog was Do you Tweet?. The next post in this blog is Neighbors bust cell tower pushers for jumping the gun. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More "if's" from Wyden

Heaven forbid he should actually come out and take a stand on anything:

Wyden, in a statement, said, "I've long believed we need a more competitive insurance market. If the House version of the public option came up for a vote in reconciliation I would vote yes."

His office did not immediately say whether he plans to sign the public option letter written by Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) to send to Senate leadership. That letter now has 24 signatories.

Last week, Wyden sent out a press release saying he was holding off on signing the letter until after the White House summit.

"He intends to first join the President in a good faith effort to see if a bipartisan solution is possible," the release said.

In a do-nothing Senate, he's the perfect leadership figure.

Comments (7)

Except "death taxes". He's against those. Now.

That's been ever since he sold out to the New York publishing interests. Since then he has gained an abiding interest in reducing or eliminating inheritance taxes.

MSNBC is reporting that Wyden has signed on to a public option. In fact, he was on Big Ed earlier this afternoon to accept the host's warm approval. Lawrence O'Donnell, sitting in for Keith Olbermann, reiterated Wyden's support for a public option. Wyden's ifs are less obvious at this moment.

"Wyden's support for a public option"

Great, add one point for re-election.

If he's for it, then it must be safely dead. Ron's great with "garbage time" votes.

Where was he last summer? Gumming up the works.

Why can't anyone shoot straight any more? We always have to be treated to conditional clauses and ideas. Thanks for sharing more "if" moments with us.

Everybody is beating up on the healthcare insurance agencys... and they deserve it, but what about the doctors and hospitals that are racking up the charges for unnecessary services because they want their profit centers to be star performers? And pay for all those new toys that the product reps sell to them..

Not to mention they probably get bonuses for their upsells and seeing more clients than they can really handle..its all about money, not healing..

Part of the fix on our healthcare problems is reducing the number of services ordered just because it adds to the bottom line.

Many of the doctors are incentivized to order more services than are really required..if it were a factory, it would be called piece work..

Then you have the insurance firms denying those claims because they say were those services really necessary..

So what is the plan to get doctors to stop ordering services because its profitable as opposed to good medicine?

My mother had a ruptured bowel.. the doctors ordered the most expensive tests and could not find the problem.. they finally did the cheapest test, I think it was called colonoscopy, and found the rupture.. she almost died.. but the doctors got the bill racked up..

That's all that matters to the service providers these days..

It happens everywhere..I went to a vet with my dog and the doctor used every scare tactic she could to get me to agree to more test that I knew were not necessary..

I read that the new doctors are not only trained to do what doctors do, but are also schooled on how to market the higher costs services and service upgrades.. even Starbucks tries to upgrade people and its why I stopped going to Jiffy Lube.. Im tired of the upsells.. at what point does it become objectionable and just plain greed?

How do we get past this mindset of hyper-consumerism.. it's destroying our nation..

"Where was he last summer?"

Vacation in Montauk.

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